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How to Host a Webinar

Do you want to host your own webinar?  Great!  Please fill out and submit this form and we’ll contact you.

Please review the ASIS&T Guidelines for Webinar Presenters and Proposers here. These guidelines will help ensure a smooth and successful webinar presentation.


Who can present a webinar for ASIS&T?

Webinars are generally hosted/presented by ASIS&T Special Interest Groups (SIGs) or Chapters. However, anyone can submit webinar proposal for consideration. Topics must be of interest to the ASIS&T membership and related communities.


How do I propose a webinar for ASIS&T?

Fill out the form and submit the required items at least 30 days prior to your requested presentation date. The form can be found on the ASIS&T website.

ASIS&T uses GoToMeeting to deliver webinars. Please note that Windows is the preferred operating system. Linux is not supported.


Can I specify the date of my webinar?

You may request a specific date, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. Keep in mind that most webinars are held on Thursday, from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Eastern Time, with a dry run scheduled the Tuesday prior. If there is already a webinar scheduled at the same time as your request, we will suggest an alternate date. We also encourage webinars directed at a global audience and will accommodate webinars designed for other time zones with adequate notice.


How long do webinars usually last?

Presentations are usually 35-40 minutes with a 15-20-minute Q&A session.


To whom will my webinar be marketed?

Webinars are marketed to ASIS&T members, as well as a contact list of other interested parties. The presenter and SIG (if sponsored) is encouraged to promote the webinar as well.


How many attendees can I expect?

The average attendance is 35. Keep in mind that not everyone who registers attends the webinar live. They may register so they can get access to the recording and slides later.

Registrants will use their computers to view the presentation and will have an opportunity to type questions to the speaker at the end of their presentation.


What is the registration process like?

ASIS&T uses GoToMeeting for all of its webinars. When you register at ASIS&T for a webinar, you’ll receive a specific link to register at GoToMeeting. Once ASIS&T approves your registration (and processes your payment if you’re not a member), GoToMeeting will email you a unique link with detailed instructions on how to access the webinar.


Is there a cost to attend a webinar?

All webinars hosted by ASIS&T will be free to current ASIS&T professional, student, and retired members. Non-members and ASIS&T Community Only Members will be charged a small fee of $25. The rationale for this policy is to ensure that members realize the value of their dues through free access to a product that would otherwise cost them an additional expense.


Can I become a member and register for free?

Absolutely! We love new members! Once you become a member, you’ll be able to login to the ASIS&T website and click on the member link.


What if I want my webinar to be free to all attendees?

Since the cost of hosting the webinars is absorbed by ASIS&T and they are provided as a free member benefit, a small fee ($25) must be collected from non-members and ASIS&T Community-Only Members in order to preserve this important benefit.


What will ASIS&T do with the webinar after it is held live?

Recordings of past ASIS&T webinars are available free to ASIS&T members and are now located within iConnect, in the Past ASIS&T Webinars library. Login to iConnect to view all of the archived ASIS&T webinars. Non-members who register and pay $25 to attend, will also have access to the slides and recordings.


Who owns the copyright to the webinar?

ASIS&T owns the copyright to the webinar itself, but the presenter owns the copyright to the intellectual content. The recording may not be shared with anyone other than ASIS&T members and non-members registered for the webinar. A presenter would be free to share their content elsewhere but not the actual recording. ASIS&T treats webinars as it treats other papers and presentations meaning that they can share their content through other venues.


What do I need to know about the process as a presenter?

Review these helpful guidelines prior to your participation.


Who should I contact if I want more information?

For more information, contact