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ASIS&T 2020 Conference News From Travel Award Winner, Madison Schallhorn

In October 2020, I had the opportunity to attend ASIS&T’s 83rd Annual Meeting. From my desk in my Boston, Massachusetts apartment, with my cat snug in my lap and house shoes on my feet, I logged into my very first professional conference. Although I never would have expected to attend my first conference virtually, it…

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ASIS&T 2020 Conference News From Travel Award Winner, Rong Tang

ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting: Global Connections & Virtual Synergy By Rong Tang Overview The ASIS&T 2020 Annual Meeting  was unprecedented in the history of ASIS&T in holding its annual meeting virtually using a platform called bigmarker. The platform was quite effective which supported participants in different roles (attendees, moderators, speakers/presenters) quite well. The sessions were…

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2020 – 2021 SIG IEP Officers

2020 – 2021 SIG IEP Officers Co-chairs: Awa Zhu & Madelyn R. Sanfilippo Secretary: Aidah Larsen Treasurer: Muhammad Yousuf Ali  Communications Officer: Adaora C. Obuezie 

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ASIS&T 2020 Conference News From Travel Award Winner, Francesco Buccella

In October 2020, I attended my first ASIS&T annual meeting, thanks to the generous Conference Support Award through the association’s New England chapter. The event—under the name “Information for a Sustainable World: Addressing Society’s Grand Challenges”—really lived up to its title and tackled some of the most pressing issues not only in our field, but…

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SIG-SI annual business meeting will be held on October 30

The SIG-SI annual business meeting will be held on Friday, October 30, at 15:30 – 17:00 (UTC). (Check for your local time zone here.) All current and potential SIG-SI members are encouraged to attend the meeting and offer input into future directions and activities of the SIG for the 2020-2021 year. The meeting will be hosted…

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Free membership giveaway!

Have you always wanted to get an insight into ASIS&T and the activities the European and European Student Chapter are organizing? Thanks to an anonymous donor we can give away a few free annual memberships for ASIS&T. If you are a student (Bachelor, Master or Doctoral) of Information Science or a related field in Europe,…

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Seeking Candidates EC 2020-2021

Seeking Candidates EC 2020-2021 We are seeking candidates for the European Chapter Board of 2021.   Therefore, open positions of chair-elect, secretary, treasurer, and webmaster are required. The board is open for additional positions (newsletter editor, communications officer, …), you may as well suggest special responsibility positions. Your main responsibility is to work and cooperate with…

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Conference Support Award Winners

We are pleased to announce this year’s 2020 NEASIST Conference Support Award recipients: Rong Tang, Associate Professor, School of Library Information Science, Simmons University. Rong is already embedded in ASIS&T activities and is the lead editor for the JASIS&T special issue,”Paradigm shift in the field of information”. Rong had also presented at multiple NEASIST events…

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