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Gary Marchionini: Understanding Human Information Interaction

Gary Marchionini: Understanding Human Information Interaction Monday, September 15, 2008 Kotzen Center, Simmons College, Boston, MA Campus Map / Public Transit / Driving Directions + Parking Understanding how people interact with information is a fundamental problem of information science. Interaction includes finding information in libraries and the WWW, consuming and evaluating what is found, and…

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Learn & Play @CML Has Begun!

Learn & Play @CML Has Begun! Yesterday Michael Stephens kicked off  the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s online learning program with his great Hyperlinked Library presentation. If you haven’t seen Michael speak before don’t miss your next opportunity.  He was a dynamic speaker! He got the staff very excited about our new program called Learn & Play @CML. This voluntary program…

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Getting Results With Google

Getting Results With Google On May 13, we hosted Glen Horton, Technology Coordinator and Assistant Director of Southwest Ohio and Neighboring Libraries (SWON). We use Google on a daily basis:  it’s simple interface and page-ranking make it a great search engine.  However, there is much more to Google than just simple keyword searching.  In this session,…

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Website Updates

Website Updates Dear Reader, We are currently changing the design and functionality of our website. Our content is currently available at: Visit the site often to see the new changes.

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The Ohio State University’s Knowledge Bank: An Institutional Repository in Practice

The Ohio State University’s Knowledge Bank: An Institutional Repository in Practice Featured Presenter: Maureen P. Walsh, Metadata Librarian and Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University Libraries. Over the last several months, you’ve expressed a great deal of interest in The Ohio State University’s “Knowledge Bank”.  Maureen presented an overview of how decisions made in the…

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PhD FUNDING OPPORTUNITY at AIX-MArseille University, FRANCE We are seeking PhD candidates for a thesis proposal entitled “Healthcare Associated Infections Prevention and Reduction: Info-communication tools and processes for hand hygiene” (Project ID: 2016-21) which has passed the first selection phase in the context of a competitive DOC2AMU, a H2020 COFUND MSCA project financed by the…

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