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The New ESC Board says: HELLO

The New ESC Board says: HELLO Hi everybody, Welcome from the new European Student Chapter board! Thanks to Tamara and all others who were engaged in the last term of the ESC, you did a great job! The elections are over and we are happy to have a highly motivated team working together in this…

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New ESC board for 2014-2015

New ESC board for 2014-2015 Dear members and peers, the European Student Chapter has a new board. And it’s larger than ever! For the term 2014-2015 eight ASIS&T members will represent the LIS students in Europe. We have four new engaged officers from Germany, Croatia and England. Upcoming events will be webinars, the newsletter and…

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Book Discussion Part II, October 20

Book Discussion Part II, October 20 Join members of the NEASIST Program Committee as we discuss bestselling author James Gleick’s book, The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood.  You’re welcome to join even if you haven’t finished the reading! This event is open to all–you don’t need to be a member of ASIS&T to…

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September 22 Book Discussion

September 22 Book Discussion Join members of the NEASIST Program Committee as we discuss bestselling author James Gleick’s book, The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood.  In the first of this two-part meetup, we’ll discuss chapters 1-7.  In the second, we’ll discuss the remainder of the book.  You’re welcome to join even if you…

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2014-16 New Leaders assigned to the European chapter

2014-16 New Leaders assigned to the European chapter 2014-16 New Leaders assigned to the European chapter or under mentorship by members of the European Chapter: Agnes Mainka, doctoral student at Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf. Mentor: Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Professor, Aix-Marseille University, France Placement: European Student Chapter Stephann Makri, Lecturer (Associate Professor), City University, London. Mentor: Isabella Peters,…

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2014 Annual NEASIST Networking Dinner

2014 Annual NEASIST Networking Dinner The New England Chapter of the Association for Information Science & Technology invites you to join us for our 2014 Annual Networking Dinner: The Spider and the Web: Can the Information Age survive another 25 years? Join your colleagues for an evening of conversation as we explore the future of…

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ESC board elections

ESC board elections The next elections (for the term Oct14-Sep15) will take place from September 22th–28th 2014. Nominations for one of the board positions can be made until September 15th. Self-nominations are possible. The main positions are: ESC chair, vice chair, secretary, newsletter editor. Additionally we are happy for any other suggested position and the person, who wants…

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August 14 Meetup on Responsive Design

August 14 Meetup on Responsive Design Join members of the NEASIST Program Committee as we talk website responsive design over nachos. Want a primer on responsive design? Got some web-dev stories from the trenches to share? Or just want to network and share your summer plans? This event is open to all–you don’t need to…

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July 17 Meetup on Open Access

July 17 Meetup on Open Access Join members of the Program Committee as we talk Open Access over nachos. What’s green open access, and what’s gold open access? Who benefits, and who foots the bill? Does open access help authors, researchers, institutions, and society, or does it reduce innovation and allow information of low quality…

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Join the ESC Webinar

Join the ESC Webinar SAVE THE DATE 17th July, 2014 at 6pm UTC+2 Topics: Movie meets Science: Look back, video presentation and discussion with the winners: Stefanie Vieten, Duwaraka Murugadas, and Janina Nikolic. Presentation of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin for prospective students – By Evelyn Dröge Conclusion and announcement of the…

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