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Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 — Program

Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 — Program Schedule Thursday, January 12, 2017, 8:30am – 3:45pm EST 8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Registration 9:30-9:40 Welcome, Tom Hohenstein 9:40-10:25 Keynote: Meeting People Where They Are: An Introduction to Service Design in Libraries  [slides, pdf] Callan Bignoli and Lauren Stara 10:25-11:10 Keynote: Designing for Participation: Dignity and Autonomy of…

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Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017

Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 User experience remains a hot topic after NEASIST’s 2016 UX conference, and now you can deepen your understanding with a holistic view of service design. Do you want to tailor your entire ecosystem — personnel, spaces, and systems online and offline — to improve your users’ experiences? The New…

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New Country Representative for Croatia

New Country Representative for Croatia The European Chapter welcomes Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic from the University in Osijek, Croatia, as new country representative for Croatia. If you want your country to be represented in the Chapter, please write an e-mail to the chapter chair.

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Storify about AM in Copenhagen

Storify about AM in Copenhagen If you want to know what the Library and Informaiton Science community did in Copenhagen this October, listen to our board member Agnes Mainka. She participated in an ASIS&T competition and created a digitale story about her experiences and adventures in Copenhagen, from talks and meetings with colleagues to the…

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Applying to do an MA in Norway

Applying to do an MA in Norway The University of Bergen’s MA program in Digital Culture is accepting applications from international students until December 1. This is a tuition-free, two year Master’s degree taught in English in Norway, with one year of course work and one year for writing a research-based MA thesis. You need…

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Looking for a PhD program?

Looking for a PhD program? It’s that time of year when students look for advice about PhD program applications. This year we are launching a new, redesigned PhD program in Information Studies here in the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. PhD in Information Studies It’s designed to be a highly interdisciplinary…

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Join us for a webinar on Nov 04, 2016 at 12:00 PM EDT.

Join us for a webinar on Nov 04, 2016 at 12:00 PM EDT. Falling Short of Their Profession’s Needs: Education and Research in Library & Information Studies Join us for a webinar on Nov 04, 2016 at 12:00 PM EDT. FREE for ASIS&T members; $15 for non-members REGISTER NOW! In Part of Our Lives: A People’s History…

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Save the Date! Service Design Conference January 12

Save the Date! Service Design Conference January 12 User experience remains a hot topic after NEASIST’s 2016 UX conference, and now you can deepen your understanding with a holistic view of service design. Do you want to tailor your entire ecosystem — personnel, spaces, and systems online and offline — to improve your users’ experiences?…

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