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Library Carpentry – May 15 @ MIT

Library Carpentry – May 15 @ MIT This Library Carpentry, one-day, hands-on workshop will cover jargon busting, data structures, using regular expressions for pattern matching, use of the Bash shell (aka the command line) to speed up and automate tasks, and using OpenRefine for data cleanup. We welcome groups enrolling as this helps with post-workshop…

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Data. Networks. Civil Society. Open Southeast Asia. Workshop in Bonn, Germany

Data. Networks. Civil Society. Open Southeast Asia. Workshop in Bonn, Germany A great opportunity to meet people & share ideas The Open Southeast Asia workshop serves as a catalyst for students, professionals (from governmental organizations as well as from NGOs – both are welcome) and academics — empowering them with general knowledge about open data,…

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Asian Pacific Chapter Promotes ASIS&T at iSchool Conference

Asian Pacific Chapter Promotes ASIS&T at iSchool Conference Report by Emil Levine and Virginia Ortiz-Repiso, published in INSIDE ASIS&T, Vol 1/2 Under the coordination of the Asian Pacific Chapter, ASIS&T offered a presentation at the iSchool Conference in Wuhan, China on March 24th. Entitled, “Professional Organizations in Career Development” members of ASIS&T  presented to over 60 attendees. Representatives from committees,…

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May Program Committee Meeting — In Person!

May Program Committee Meeting — In Person! Our next Program Committee meeting will be the 2nd Monday of May – May 8th from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Thornton’s Fenway Grille at 100 Peterborough St, Boston, MA 02215.    This is a completely open Program Committee meeting.  You don’t have to be in the Program Committee to join.  Nor…

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Up to $750 to support your participation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Up to $750 to support your participation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting Application Deadline: Friday, April 21 Notification of Award Winners: Wednesday, May 3 About the Awards: Professional/Practitioner and Student The Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NE-ASIS&T) is pleased to announce two awards to support participation in the ASIS&T Annual Meeting.…

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Carol Tenopir visit at Carlos III University in Madrid

Carol Tenopir visit at Carlos III University in Madrid sharing things by Virginia Ortiz-Repiso, EUChap Chair Library and Information Science Department within the framework of its Doctoral Program Library Science: Archives and Libraries in the Digital Environment,  and with the collaboration and sponsorship of the FullBright Spain Commission, had the pleasure of receiving Professor Carol Tenopir of the…

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Eugene Garfield – In memoriam by Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić

Eugene Garfield – In memoriam by Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić Eugene Garfield – In memoriam (Published in Croatian Information and Documentation Society’s Newsletter) On Sunday, February 26, 2017  the great Gene Garfield passed away. Eugene Garfield was born on September 1925  in New York. He graduated from Columbia University in his native town in 1949. He received the…

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Eugene Garfield – In memoriam

Eugene Garfield – In memoriam On Sunday, February 26, 2017  the great Gene Garfield passed away. We want to share with you some testimonies from Europe Eugene Garfield – In memoriam by Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić In memoriam: Eugene Garfield, key figure in scientific documentation and UB (Universitat de Barcelona) Honorary Doctorate, dies at age 91 Laudation…

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Information Today Report – The ASIS&T AM Goes to Europe

Information Today Report – The ASIS&T AM Goes to Europe EUChap member Emil Levine reports on the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Copenhagen last autumn and summarizes current LIS research as well as European Influence on Information Science. Levine, E. (2017). The ASIS&T Annual Meeting Goes to Europe. Information Today, 31(1).–The-ASIST-Annual-Meeting-Goes-to-Europe.shtml   Research in virtual and augmented reality,…

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