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SIG SM Award

Call for Social Media Research Competition 2024

The Social Media Student Research Competition recognizes three high-quality long and short papers by students in a peer-reviewed journal or conference (e.g., ASIST, iConference, CSCW, CHI) on a topic informed by social media during the current and previous year (e.g., 2023 and 2024 for the 2024 award). This process includes two steps. First, authors nominate their papers for the competition by the due date via the application form. These papers will be evaluated by a committee of social media experts. Second, the top-5 authors will be invited to present their paper(s) at the SIG Social Media (SM) Workshop. Out of the top-3 authors, the committee of social media experts selects three authors for the winner ($150). The Awards are sponsored and administered by the SIG SM Awards Committee. At least one author must register for the conference and the workshop and present at the SIG SM workshop in person to receive the award.

The paper competition is part of the SIG Social Media Workshop. The workshop includes the following parts:

  1. Social Media Research Competition
  2. Invited speaker: Mary Chayko, Rutgers University, US



  1. At least one author of the winning paper must be a member of SIG SM at the time of application.
  2. The paper must fall within the scope of social media research.
  3. At least one author must register for the conference and the workshop.
  4. At least one author of the winning papers must attend the SIG SM workshop awards ceremony in person to be eligible to receive the award.
  5. The final authors should be members of SIG SM.
  6. The nominated paper was already published in 2023 or 2024. The papers in the ASIST proceedings of the current year are also eligible.
  7. Papers nominated for the ASIS&T Best Conference Paper Award will also be considered.
  8. Each author can submit only one paper.


Selection of Awardees

  1. The content of each eligible paper shall be appraised in terms of the following criteria as appropriate: problem statement, appropriateness of the methodology, significance and implications of the findings, originality, clarity of expression, and references.
  2. Each eligible paper will be assessed initially by at least three Jury members.


Important Dates


Nature of the Award

The Award was established in 2021. The Award is sponsored and administered by the ASIS&T SIG SM Awards Committee.


Presentation of the Award

The award shall be presented at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting during the SIG SM Workshop.