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SIG-Infolearn Events

President’s Column, July 2024

July 24, 2024

Summer has arrived!  As the Isley Brothers sang, “Sweet days of summer, the jasmine’s in bloom. July is dressed up and playing a tune.” We have entered a more relaxed period in the calendar, although there is still much happening in your Association. We are excited to announce a new, annual lecture event: the ASIS&T…

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From Your Executive Director, July 2024

July 24, 2024

Dear Colleagues, It seems like we just left London and the 2023 Annual Meeting yet here we are in the throes of preparations for Annual Meeting 2024. This is the time of year when our attention turns from awards and selecting meeting content to the exciting process of registering attendees and making final preparations. October…

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Lankes to Present 1st Annual ASIS&T President’s Lecture

July 24, 2024

ASIS&T is delighted to announce the launch of the Annual ASIS&T President’s Lecture. The Lecture will be open to the public and delivered via Zoom to ensure that all who wish to may attend. The innaugural ASIS&T President’s Lecture will take place September 19 at 10 am Eastern Time (find your time here) and be…

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Media Ruins Wins ASIS&T Best Information Science Book Award

July 24, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce Media Ruins: Cambodian Postwar Media Reconstruction and the Geopolitics of Technology and published by MIT Press is the recipient of the ASIS&T Best Information Science Book Award for 2024. The award’s purpose is to recognize the outstanding book in information science published during…

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“Don’t Say Gay in Alabama” Chosen for 2024 Best JASIST Paper Award

July 24, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that “”Don’t Say Gay” in Alabama: A taxonomic framework of LGBTQ+ information support services in public libraries-An exploratory website content analysis of critical resistance” written by Bharat Mehra and Baheya S. Jaber, published in Volume 74, Issue 8 of the Journal of the…

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Bessho to Receive 2024 Pratt Severn Student Paper Award

July 24, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that Seiji Bessho has been selected as the 2024 recipient of the Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Award. The purpose of the award is to encourage student research and writing in the field of information science. Bessho’s paper entitled, “Concentration, Evacuation, Internment,…

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ASIS&T Annual Meeting News, July 2024

July 24, 2024

Early Bird Deadline Approaching Secure the Early Bird rates for the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting by making your reservations by August 5. Rates, including Workshop registration rates, go up on August 6 and again after October 10. Reserve your spot today! Program Notes We had unprecedented submission numbers this year so we anticipate record-setting attendance…

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Find Your Next Faculty Hire or Job at AM24

July 24, 2024

The ASIS&T Annual Meeting serves as a connection point between individuals seeking employment opportunities and institutions seeking to fill positions. Whether it’s in person or virtually, we can help you connect with your future employer or employee, academic home or faculty member. ASIS&T will collect CVs of prospective candidates and job postings of prospective employers…

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Special Annual Meeting Benefits for ASIS&T Institutional Members

July 24, 2024

Did you know ASIS&T offers Institutional Memberships? With three levels of memberships to meet your needs, the program provides members with opportunities and resources to enhance professional skills and elevate your institution’s influence in the field. This year, ASIS&T institutional members will benefit from additional valuable benefits offered exclusively at the 2024 Annual Meeting in…

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Call for Participation: ASIS&T Workshop on Generative AI and the Future of Information Science Education

July 23, 2024

Join us for the interactive workshop, “Generative AI and the Future of Information Science Education” at ASIS&T 2024 in Calgary on October 26, 2024! Deadline for expression of interest is August 1, 2024. The workshop will be hosted by Bryce Newell, University of Oregon, and  Nicholas Proferes, Arizona State University. Background The educational enterprise is entering a…

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SIG-Infolearn Events

New Look for NEASIST

August 1, 2013

Welcome to our newly redesigned website!  New features include a mobile-friendly design and a calendar page for viewing up-to-date meeting and event information, including the times and locations of our programming committee meetings.  If you are interested in helping us plan future events, please keep an eye out for our next meeting, to be scheduled for the…

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Dr. Gerald Benoît is Appointed as Editor of the ASIS&T Monograph Series

August 1, 2013

Posted on August 1, 2013 by ASIS&T Staff August 1, 2013. The Association of Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) in cooperation with Information Today, Inc. (ITI) has announced the appointment of Dr. Gerald Benoît as Editor of the ASIS&T Monograph Series. In this role, Benoît will acquire and develop print and digital monographs covering a…

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CFP: African American Expression in Print and Digital Culture

July 25, 2013

Some of our members and other followers or researchers may be interested in the following Call for Papers for the “African American Expression in Print and Digital Culture” conference happening at the University of Wisconsin, Madison next September. Proposals for panels, roundtables, and papers are due by January 24, 2014. More details, including who to contact with more…

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This was the exciting 2nd ASIS&T European Workshop in Turku/Åbo, Finland

July 10, 2013

Celebrating the Diversity of Information Science in Europe The Second Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T European Workshop 2013 was held between June 5 and 6, 2013 in Turku/Åbo, Finland. The workshop was organised by Information studies, School of Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University and Department Cultural Sciences, Lund University in association with the European…

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Douglas Engelbart, Inventor of the Computer Mouse, Dies at 88

July 5, 2013

Posted on July 5, 2013 by ASIS&T Staff Doug Engelbart and Gary Marchionini at the 1996 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Some of you might have heard that Doug Engelbart died on July 2. Englebart was the father of interactive computing and the intellectual inspiration for my work over the past 30 years. In the post-WWII period…

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2013 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium: Call for Participants

July 2, 2013

Theme: Information Behavior on the Move: Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in the Era of Mobile Technologies Date: November 2, 2013 (Saturday) Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pm Location: Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Keynote Speaker: TBA ABOUT THE 2013 SIG-USE SYMPOSIUM: We live in a time when mobile technologies are becoming more ubiquitous within people’s everyday lives, facilitating new forms of…

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Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2012 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award

June 29, 2013

SIG SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper written by a doctoral student on a topic informed by social informatics. Nominations may include a paper published in a peer reviewed journal during 2012 or a conference paperpresented in 2012. The winning author or authors will present their paper at the 9th Annual SIG-SI Symposium on…

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Call for Paper Proposals: “Compromised Data” colloquium, October 28-29, Toronto

June 17, 2013

A call for paper proposals has been posted for a colloquium hosted by the Infoscape Research Lab at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, on “Compromised Data? New paradigms in social media theory and methods.” The colloquium will be held October 28-29, 2013, with proposals of 750-1,000 words due by August 1st: This colloquium focuses on the critical juncture between the birth of…

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Call for submissions: 2013 Human Factors Prize: “The Human Factors / Ergonomics of Social Media”

June 17, 2013

This prize being offered by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society for papers in “The Human Factors / Ergonomics of Social Media” may be of interest to some of our audience. Papers are due by July 15th to the Human Factors journal (submission link). (Via Jonathan Grudin and the Researchers of the Socio-Technical Facebook group) 2013 Human Factors Prize Topic: The Human Factors/Ergonomics of…

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CFP: Fifth Int’l Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2013)

June 11, 2013

A Call for Papers has been posted for the Fifth International Conference on Social Informatics(SocInfo 2013) in Kyoto, Japan, November 25-27. Papers are due July 25th. The conference is an interdisciplinary venue for researchers from Computer Science, Informatics, Social Sciences and Management Sciences to share ideas and opinions, and present original research work on studying the interplay between socially-centric…

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