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SIG-Infolearn Events

Members Made #GivingTuesday a Success

December 13, 2016

Posted on December 13, 2016 by Yolande Nanayakkara ASIS&T members were generous on November 29th â€“ this year’s date for #GivingTuesday. A first time for this type of initiative, ASIS&T members rallied to support libraries worldwide. The Board of Directors had chosen TechSoup Global as the organization to receive donations. TechSoup Global provides software products to…

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Past Events

December 12, 2016

2016 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), June 13-16, 2016, Zadar, Croatia Chapter Meeting, 13 June Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS9), June 27-29, 2016, Uppsala, Sweden 2015 Chapter Meeting at AM, November 8, 2015, 8:30pm, St. Louis, USA ASIS&T Annual Meeting, November 6-10, 2015, St. Louis, USA Third ASIS&T European Workshop, May 22-23,…

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CFP Social Media & Society 2016

December 9, 2016

2016 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety) CALL FOR PROPOSALS WHEN: July 11-13, 2016 WHERE: Goldsmiths, University of London, UK SUBMISSION DEADLINES: Dec 23, 2015(extended!): Workshops/Tutorials/Panels Jan 15, 2016: Full & WIP Papers Mar 4, 2016: Poster Abstracts Conference website: Data, data everywhere. With faster computers and cheaper storage, bigger data sets are…

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Supreme Court of Ohio Law Library

December 7, 2016

Legal Research for the Non-Law Librarian Join the Supreme Court Law Library staff as we discuss basic legal research for all librarians.  We will talk about how Ohio laws, both statutes and regulations, operate and how to help patrons coming into your library.  Discover how the Supreme Court Law Library can help you and enjoy…

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ASIS&T Executive Director Search Update and Open Forums

December 5, 2016

Posted on December 5, 2016 by Yolande Nanayakkara ASIS&T Executive Director Search Committee update and invitation to all ASIS&T members to participate in the process. ASIS&T Executive Director Search Committee is comprised of Sandy Hirsh and Clara Chu as Committee Co-Chairs, Jamshid Beheshti, Nadia Caidi, Lynn Connaway, Lisa Given, and Marjorie Hlava. We have hired Isaacson,…

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New Jersey Chapter Distinguished Lecture Series Award Announced

November 30, 2016

Posted on November 30, 2016 by Yolande Nanayakkara The New Jersey Chapter of ASIS&T is pleased to announce that this year’s Distinguished Lecture Series Award will be presented to Dr. Barbara Wildemuth, Professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. To honor and celebrate Prof.…

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Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017

November 29, 2016

User experience remains a hot topic after NEASIST’s 2016 UX conference, and now you can deepen your understanding with a holistic view of service design. Do you want to tailor your entire ecosystem — personnel, spaces, and systems online and offline — to improve your users’ experiences? The New England Chapter of the Association for…

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New Country Representative for Croatia

November 26, 2016

The European Chapter welcomes Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic from the University in Osijek, Croatia, as new country representative for Croatia. If you want your country to be represented in the Chapter, please write an e-mail to the chapter chair.

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Call for SIG SI Chair/Co-Chair Nominations and Interest

November 23, 2016

Hi SIG SI members, I’m writing with some news about ASIS&T SIG SI, as determined during the ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. Howard Rosenbaum and Pnina Fichman, our co-chairs for many years now, have decided to step down from their current roles. They intend to remain involved in the SIG and its activities, including…

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ASIS&T is proud to announce the winners of the eminent Watson Davis Award to Diane H. Sonnenwald, PhD and Donald O. Case, PhD

November 23, 2016

Posted on November 23, 2016 by Yolande Nanayakkara On October 18, 2016 at the ASIS&T annual conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Dr. Case and Dr. Sonnenwald received the prestigious Watson Davis award. Commemorating the founder of the Association, the award was established in 1975 to recognize individual members who have illustrated continuous dedicated service to the…

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SIG-Infolearn Events

NEASIS&T Fall 2024 Meet & Greet

September 6, 2024

Event: Fall Meet & Greet, Northeast chapter of the Association for Information Science & Technology (NEASIS&T)  Where: Online When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm EDT Register: Cost: Free for everyone! You do not have to be an ASIS&T member. Please register to get the zoom link, which will be sent…

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Minutes of ASIS&T Asia Chapter Regular Meeting (August)

September 5, 2024

Time: 20:00-21:00, August 27, 2024 Meeting Room: Zoom Participants: Yuxiang Chris Zhao, Sarira Khoir, Huichuan Xia, Yuehua Zhao Recorded by Yuehua Zhao Agenda Items:

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Greyson to Receive Inaugural 2024 Impact Award

August 20, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that Devon Greyson of the University of British Columbia will receive the 2024 ASIS&T Research Impact Award sponsored by Rutgers University. The award makes more visible the dimensions of the societal contribution of Information Science and provides role models and examples for new…

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ISO 15511:2019, Information and documentation – International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL)

August 8, 2024

Voted CONFIRM on ISO 15511:2019, Information and documentation – International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL) Description: This document specifies the International Standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL), which comprises a set of standard identifiers used for the unique identification of libraries and related organizations such as museums and archives with…

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ISO/FDIS 27729, Information and documentation – International standard name identifier (ISNI)

August 6, 2024

Voted APPROVE on ISO/FDIS 27729, Information and documentation – International standard name identifier (ISNI) Question: Do you approve the technical content of ISO/FDIS 27729? Description: This document specifies the International Standard name identifier (ISNI) for the identification of public identities of parties, i.e. the identities used publicly by parties involved throughout the media content industries…

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President’s Column, July 2024

July 24, 2024

Summer has arrived!  As the Isley Brothers sang, “Sweet days of summer, the jasmine’s in bloom. July is dressed up and playing a tune.” We have entered a more relaxed period in the calendar, although there is still much happening in your Association. We are excited to announce a new, annual lecture event: the ASIS&T…

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From Your Executive Director, July 2024

July 24, 2024

Dear Colleagues, It seems like we just left London and the 2023 Annual Meeting yet here we are in the throes of preparations for Annual Meeting 2024. This is the time of year when our attention turns from awards and selecting meeting content to the exciting process of registering attendees and making final preparations. October…

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Lankes to Present 1st Annual ASIS&T President’s Lecture

July 24, 2024

ASIS&T is delighted to announce the launch of the Annual ASIS&T President’s Lecture. The Lecture will be open to the public and delivered via Zoom to ensure that all who wish to may attend. The inaugural ASIS&T President’s Lecture will take place September 19 at 10 am Eastern Time (find your time here) and be…

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Media Ruins Wins ASIS&T Best Information Science Book Award

July 24, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce Media Ruins: Cambodian Postwar Media Reconstruction and the Geopolitics of Technology and published by MIT Press is the recipient of the ASIS&T Best Information Science Book Award for 2024. The award’s purpose is to recognize the outstanding book in information science published during…

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“Don’t Say Gay in Alabama” Chosen for 2024 Best JASIST Paper Award

July 24, 2024

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that “”Don’t Say Gay” in Alabama: A taxonomic framework of LGBTQ+ information support services in public libraries-An exploratory website content analysis of critical resistance” written by Bharat Mehra and Baheya S. Jaber, published in Volume 74, Issue 8 of the Journal of the…

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