SIG-IEP Webinar
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities!NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme this…
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
Plans for the 88th ASIS&T Annual Meeting are well underway, and we are thrilled to welcome you to Washington, D.C.! The meeting will take place from November 14-18, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. This year’s theme is “Difficult Conversations: The Role of Information Science in the Age of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.” Event Highlights: Pre-Meeting…
ASIS&T welcomes the following Individuals who have joined ASIS&T since November of 2024. Shahzad Abbas | COMSATS University Islamabad | Pakistan | Professional Javad Abbaspour | Iran |Professional Bashir Ahmed | Pakistan |Professional Zia Ahmed | Pakistan| Professional Amjad Ali Sr. | Pakistan | Professional Hamza Arif | Pakistan | Professional Paola Ascencion- Morales | Peru | Professional Amir Reza Asnafi | Iran |Professional Parinaz Babaei | Iran | Professional Esmail Babaei Dehkordi |…
Members of ASIS&T have full access to the Journal of Information Science and Technology (JASIST). If you are not sure how to access your member benefit, contact Marlo Russell at To view issues of JASIST, log in to the Info Hub at and click Resources from the left-side navigation. Then click “Journal Access.” JASIST Volume…
Check out the newest articles from Information Matters (IM), ASIS&T’s digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge. Sign up for our weekly newsletters from IM. A New Critical Lens to Examine Factors Influencing Differences in Global Scholarly Communication Experiences…
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities! NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme…
President’s Message January 2025
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
From Your Executive Director, January 2025
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T Partners with GMP
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
ASIS&T Change of Address
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
My Journey to ASIS&T 2024 – Amy Moy
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
Annual Meeting News, January 2025
Plans for the 88th ASIS&T Annual Meeting are well underway, and we are thrilled to welcome you to Washington, D.C.! The meeting will take place from November 14-18, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. This year’s theme is “Difficult Conversations: The Role of Information Science in the Age of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.” Event Highlights: Pre-Meeting…
New ASIS&T Members, January 2025
ASIS&T welcomes the following Individuals who have joined ASIS&T since November of 2024. Shahzad Abbas | COMSATS University Islamabad | Pakistan | Professional Javad Abbaspour | Iran |Professional Bashir Ahmed | Pakistan |Professional Zia Ahmed | Pakistan| Professional Amjad Ali Sr. | Pakistan | Professional Hamza Arif | Pakistan | Professional Paola Ascencion- Morales | Peru | Professional Amir Reza Asnafi | Iran |Professional Parinaz Babaei | Iran | Professional Esmail Babaei Dehkordi |…
New from JASIST, January 2025
Members of ASIS&T have full access to the Journal of Information Science and Technology (JASIST). If you are not sure how to access your member benefit, contact Marlo Russell at To view issues of JASIST, log in to the Info Hub at and click Resources from the left-side navigation. Then click “Journal Access.” JASIST Volume…
New from Information Matters, January 2025
Check out the newest articles from Information Matters (IM), ASIS&T’s digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge. Sign up for our weekly newsletters from IM. A New Critical Lens to Examine Factors Influencing Differences in Global Scholarly Communication Experiences…
Member Spotlight-Diana Colby
What attracted you to information science as a profession and field of study? By practice, I am a school library/media technology specialist so information science was a natural fit as I looked at returning to school. I love that information science is so interdisciplinary because this is what attracted me to being a school librarian…
Chapter Updates
Annual Reports Due All chapter leaders are asked to submit their Annual Reports no later than July 3rd. These reports are required in order to receive your FY 21 allocation, but more importantly, they are used to decide the winners of the various Chapter Awards. Please take the time to promote your chapter and let…
SIG News
Annual Reports Due Greetings! It is that time of year when we ask that SIGs complete their Annual Report. This form is required in order to secure your allocation for the next year. The form also serves as a nomination for the various SIG awards so it is very important that it is completed on…
Upcoming ASIS&T Hours
Wednesday, 8 July 2020 | ASIS&T President’s Hour 1: Information for Sustainable Development: Transforming the research community and society 9 am ET Via Zoom (click link to join meeting at the scheduled time) Wednesday, 12 August 2020 | Diversity and Inclusion in ASIS&T 6 pm ET Via Zoom (click link to join meeting at the…
Affiliated Organization News
Call for papers: IWILDS2020@CIKM2020 – First International Workshop on Investigating Learning During Web Search Workshop Website Workshop date: October 19th (full day), collocated with CIKM 2020 Important Dates Submission deadline: 2020-07-15 Acceptance notification: 2020-08-15 Camera-ready submission: Workshop date: 2020-10-19 Keynote talks by Carita Kiili, Faculty of Education & Culture, University of Tampere, Finland Claudia Hauff,…
The 16th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium
Sociotechnical Change Agents: ICTs, Sustainability, and Global Challenges Aligning with the theme of the 2020 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Special Interest Group Social Informatics (SIG SI) will hold its 16th annual symposium in conjunction with SIG Social Media (SIG SM) and SIG Information Ethics and Policy (SIG IEP), allowing for ASIS&T members to better discuss how…
Dataverse Community Meeting 2020
The Dataverse Community is excited to announce the sixth annual Dataverse Community Meeting! #dataverse2020 will take place over Zoom on June 17, 18, and 19. Learn more and register for free at You don’t need to use Dataverse or even be familiar with Dataverse to join. #dataverse2020 is open to anybody interested in research…
ASIS&T Statement on Injustice and Standing with George Floyd
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in Minneapolis, at the hands of police brutality and, as a community, ASIS&T grieves with his family and so many other families who have suffered as a consequence of racism and injustice. We stand in solidarity with those speaking up for justice on the…
JASIST Special Issue on “Digital Humanities (DH)”
JASIST Special Issue on “Digital Humanities (DH)” This special issue of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) mirrors the increasing worldwide attention on Digital Humanities (DH), “a discipline in its own right” (Schreibman, Siemens, and Unsworth, 2004, xxiii). It is noticeable that DH has generated a paradigm shift at the intersection…
SIG USE Early Career Best Paper Award
SIG USE Early Career Best Paper Award The SIG USE Early Career Best Paper Award was established in 2020 and is administered by the SIG USE Awards Committee. It is sponsored by SIG USE. Nature of the Award 1.1 The award shall consist of a Certificate for the winning author (and each co-author) and a…
SIG-IEP Webinar
Partim orba seductaque. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.