SIG-IEP Webinar
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities!NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme this…
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
Plans for the 88th ASIS&T Annual Meeting are well underway, and we are thrilled to welcome you to Washington, D.C.! The meeting will take place from November 14-18, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. This year’s theme is “Difficult Conversations: The Role of Information Science in the Age of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.” Event Highlights: Pre-Meeting…
ASIS&T welcomes the following Individuals who have joined ASIS&T since November of 2024. Shahzad Abbas | COMSATS University Islamabad | Pakistan | Professional Javad Abbaspour | Iran |Professional Bashir Ahmed | Pakistan |Professional Zia Ahmed | Pakistan| Professional Amjad Ali Sr. | Pakistan | Professional Hamza Arif | Pakistan | Professional Paola Ascencion- Morales | Peru | Professional Amir Reza Asnafi | Iran |Professional Parinaz Babaei | Iran | Professional Esmail Babaei Dehkordi |…
Members of ASIS&T have full access to the Journal of Information Science and Technology (JASIST). If you are not sure how to access your member benefit, contact Marlo Russell at To view issues of JASIST, log in to the Info Hub at and click Resources from the left-side navigation. Then click “Journal Access.” JASIST Volume…
Check out the newest articles from Information Matters (IM), ASIS&T’s digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge. Sign up for our weekly newsletters from IM. A New Critical Lens to Examine Factors Influencing Differences in Global Scholarly Communication Experiences…
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities! NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme…
President’s Message January 2025
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
From Your Executive Director, January 2025
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T Partners with GMP
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
ASIS&T Change of Address
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
My Journey to ASIS&T 2024 – Amy Moy
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
Annual Meeting News, January 2025
Plans for the 88th ASIS&T Annual Meeting are well underway, and we are thrilled to welcome you to Washington, D.C.! The meeting will take place from November 14-18, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. This year’s theme is “Difficult Conversations: The Role of Information Science in the Age of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.” Event Highlights: Pre-Meeting…
New ASIS&T Members, January 2025
ASIS&T welcomes the following Individuals who have joined ASIS&T since November of 2024. Shahzad Abbas | COMSATS University Islamabad | Pakistan | Professional Javad Abbaspour | Iran |Professional Bashir Ahmed | Pakistan |Professional Zia Ahmed | Pakistan| Professional Amjad Ali Sr. | Pakistan | Professional Hamza Arif | Pakistan | Professional Paola Ascencion- Morales | Peru | Professional Amir Reza Asnafi | Iran |Professional Parinaz Babaei | Iran | Professional Esmail Babaei Dehkordi |…
New from JASIST, January 2025
Members of ASIS&T have full access to the Journal of Information Science and Technology (JASIST). If you are not sure how to access your member benefit, contact Marlo Russell at To view issues of JASIST, log in to the Info Hub at and click Resources from the left-side navigation. Then click “Journal Access.” JASIST Volume…
New from Information Matters, January 2025
Check out the newest articles from Information Matters (IM), ASIS&T’s digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments, news, and opinion to a global public audience free of charge. Sign up for our weekly newsletters from IM. A New Critical Lens to Examine Factors Influencing Differences in Global Scholarly Communication Experiences…
CFP: African American Expression in Print and Digital Culture
Some of our members and other followers or researchers may be interested in the following Call for Papers for the “African American Expression in Print and Digital Culture” conference happening at the University of Wisconsin, Madison next September. Proposals for panels, roundtables, and papers are due by January 24, 2014. More details, including who to contact with more…
This was the exciting 2nd ASIS&T European Workshop in Turku/Åbo, Finland
Celebrating the Diversity of Information Science in Europe The Second Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T European Workshop 2013 was held between June 5 and 6, 2013 in Turku/Åbo, Finland. The workshop was organised by Information studies, School of Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University and Department Cultural Sciences, Lund University in association with the European…
Douglas Engelbart, Inventor of the Computer Mouse, Dies at 88
Posted on July 5, 2013 by ASIS&T Staff Doug Engelbart and Gary Marchionini at the 1996 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Some of you might have heard that Doug Engelbart died on July 2. Englebart was the father of interactive computing and the intellectual inspiration for my work over the past 30 years. In the post-WWII period…
2013 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium: Call for Participants
Theme: Information Behavior on the Move: Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in the Era of Mobile Technologies Date: November 2, 2013 (Saturday) Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pm Location: Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Keynote Speaker: TBA ABOUT THE 2013 SIG-USE SYMPOSIUM: We live in a time when mobile technologies are becoming more ubiquitous within people’s everyday lives, facilitating new forms of…
Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2012 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award
SIG SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper written by a doctoral student on a topic informed by social informatics. Nominations may include a paper published in a peer reviewed journal during 2012 or a conference paperpresented in 2012. The winning author or authors will present their paper at the 9th Annual SIG-SI Symposium on…
Call for Paper Proposals: “Compromised Data” colloquium, October 28-29, Toronto
A call for paper proposals has been posted for a colloquium hosted by the Infoscape Research Lab at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, on “Compromised Data? New paradigms in social media theory and methods.” The colloquium will be held October 28-29, 2013, with proposals of 750-1,000 words due by August 1st: This colloquium focuses on the critical juncture between the birth of…
Call for submissions: 2013 Human Factors Prize: “The Human Factors / Ergonomics of Social Media”
This prize being offered by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society for papers in “The Human Factors / Ergonomics of Social Media” may be of interest to some of our audience. Papers are due by July 15th to the Human Factors journal (submission link). (Via Jonathan Grudin and the Researchers of the Socio-Technical Facebook group) 2013 Human Factors Prize Topic: The Human Factors/Ergonomics of…
CFP: Fifth Int’l Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2013)
A Call for Papers has been posted for the Fifth International Conference on Social Informatics(SocInfo 2013) in Kyoto, Japan, November 25-27. Papers are due July 25th. The conference is an interdisciplinary venue for researchers from Computer Science, Informatics, Social Sciences and Management Sciences to share ideas and opinions, and present original research work on studying the interplay between socially-centric…
Call for Participation: SIG SI’s 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium
ASIS&T SIG SI, along with our co-sponsor the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics at Indiana University, is happy to announce and post a Call for Papers and Participation for the 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries. The symposium will take place on November 2nd as part of the ASIS&T 2013 Annual Meeting in Montreal. The deadline for paper,…
2013 SIG USE Awards – Call for Submissions **Deadline Extended
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS ASIS&T’s Information Needs, Seeking, and Use Special Interest Group (SIG USE) seeks submissions for six awards. The deadline for submissions for all awards, which will be given at the 2013 ASIS&T meeting in Montreal, is July 15. 1. The Best Information Behavior Conference Paper Award 2. The Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award 3. The…
SIG-IEP Webinar
Partim orba seductaque. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.