SIG-IEP Webinar
Posted on March 21, 2013 by ASIS&T Staff CHAPEL HILL – Dr. Diane Kelly, associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science (SILS), has been selected to receive the prestigious British Computer Society (BCS) BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) Karen Spärck-Jones Award 2012. The…
Call for papers for CSCW 2014, the ACM’s conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Submissions are due May 31st, 2013; conference will be held in Baltimore, MD from February 15th – 18th, 2014. More details of the call follow (via the original source), or you can see the complete CSCW 2014 CFP and contact the papers chairs at…
A call for applications has been posted for the 2013 Digital Societies and Social Technologies (DSST) Summer Institute, a joint effort of the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) and the Summer Social Webshop. This year’s Summer Institute will be held July 28th – August 1st, 2013 at the University of Maryland, College Park. MOOCs, Education and learning; personal…
Big Island, Hawaii, January 6-9, 2014 Minitrack: Crowdsourcing Content Production and Online Knowledge Repositories Track: Digital and Social Media As various forms of collaboration are enabled (and constrained) by the affordances available in social media, researchers are investigating a range of issues including: 1) the diverse ways in which people collaborate to create, manage, curate…
A call for papers, panels, and posters has been posted for the 2013 Social Media and Society international conference, to be held at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) Sept 14-15. Topics include big data, social media data, online communities, social networks, social media’s impact and effects on society, and theories and methods in social media studies. Papers and…
News from Dick Hill, ASIS&T’s Executive Director, on the Association’s name change… ASIS&T Changes Its Name, Enhances Its Global Mission With nearly 90% of all ballots cast voting in favor of a name change, the American Society for Information Science and Technology has become the Association for Information Science and Technology. While the ASIS&T acronym stays…
SIG SI co-chairs Pnina Fichman and Howard Rosenbaum report on the successful symposium held at ASIS&T 2012 in Baltimore as part of the latest issue of the Bulletin of ASIS&T. A couple of excerpts: The 8th Annual SIG/Social Informatics (SIG/SI) Research Symposium, held on October 27, 2012, at the 75th Anniversary Annual Meeting of the American Society for…
On February 11, 2013, at home in Silver Spring, MD, after an 8-year long battle with cancer. Beloved husband for 38 years of Gayle Batty; father of Philip (Lina), Miles, and Sarah. Also survived by three grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 818 University Blvd. West, Silver Spring, MD…
Thanks for attending! Slides from the event are available via the links below: Open-Source Online Textbooks Shifting Forward in Digital Publishing: EPUB 3 Creating EBooks Using Open-Source Tools When: Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 8:15am to 1:00pm Where: Simmons College, School of Management, Room M501, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA Registration: Digitally publishing your own work is powerful and…
Sandra A. Enimil, JD, head of the newly established Copyright Resources Center at the Ohio State University Libraries will discuss copyright in the contemporary world and how it affects the library and other institutions. WHEN: Wednesday February 27, 2013 (Snow Contingency Date: Thursday March 7, 2013) 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. Refreshments, Sign-In & Networking 7:00…
Voices Through Data: Integrating Information Science, Storytelling, and Digital Literacy – Registration is Open!
The US Northeast Chapter of the Association for Information Science & Technology (NEASIS&T) invites you to join us for our 2025 Annual Conference, which will be held virtually. Registration is now open: Register for the conference. What: NEASIS&T’s Annual Conference When: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Where: Virtual Who: NEASIS&T (US Northeast Chapter of the Association…
SIG SM Competition Award Recipients 2024
Awards Recipients 2024 Winner of SIG Social Media Senior Researcher Award Purpose of the Award This award is a lifetime achievement award that recognizes sustained contributions to and/or achievements in the field of information science and/or the professions in which it is practiced. Such contributions may include 1) scholarly contributions to the advancement of our…
Please Respond by EOD 2/27: ASIS&T SIG-HLTH Values Survey
Dear SIG-HLTH members, All SIGs were tasked by ASIS&T leadership this month to develop a list of up to five values that characterize ASIS&T as an organization: its members, events, and staff. This activity is aligned with the development of ASIS&T’s next strategic plan. On Wednesday, February 19, the SIG-HLTH executive board met and drafted values.…
SIG-HLTH Best Health-Related ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting Paper and Poster Award Winners
SIG-HLTH Best Health-Related ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting Paper Awards Title: Standardizing Vehicle Travel Speed Data for Road Safety Authors: Liliana Salas, College of Information Science and Arlie Adkins, College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture and the College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Abstract: In 2022, almost 50,000 people died in road crashes in the United States, with speeding…
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities! NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme…
President’s Message January 2025
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
From Your Executive Director, January 2025
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T Partners with GMP
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
ASIS&T Change of Address
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
My Journey to ASIS&T 2024 – Amy Moy
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
Voices Through Data: Integrating Information Science, Storytelling, and Digital Literacy – Registration is Open!
The US Northeast Chapter of the Association for Information Science & Technology (NEASIS&T) invites you to join us for our 2025 Annual Conference, which will be held virtually. Registration is now open: Register for the conference. What: NEASIS&T’s Annual Conference When: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Where: Virtual Who: NEASIS&T (US Northeast Chapter of the Association…
SIG SM Competition Award Recipients 2024
Awards Recipients 2024 Winner of SIG Social Media Senior Researcher Award Purpose of the Award This award is a lifetime achievement award that recognizes sustained contributions to and/or achievements in the field of information science and/or the professions in which it is practiced. Such contributions may include 1) scholarly contributions to the advancement of our…
Please Respond by EOD 2/27: ASIS&T SIG-HLTH Values Survey
Dear SIG-HLTH members, All SIGs were tasked by ASIS&T leadership this month to develop a list of up to five values that characterize ASIS&T as an organization: its members, events, and staff. This activity is aligned with the development of ASIS&T’s next strategic plan. On Wednesday, February 19, the SIG-HLTH executive board met and drafted values.…
SIG-HLTH Best Health-Related ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting Paper and Poster Award Winners
SIG-HLTH Best Health-Related ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting Paper Awards Title: Standardizing Vehicle Travel Speed Data for Road Safety Authors: Liliana Salas, College of Information Science and Arlie Adkins, College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture and the College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Abstract: In 2022, almost 50,000 people died in road crashes in the United States, with speeding…
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025
NEASIS&T Executive Committee Recap – January 2025 Happy New Year from NEASIS&T! As we kick off 2025, I’m thrilled to share some updates from the Executive Committee and reminders about upcoming chapter activities! NEASIS&T 2025 Annual ConferenceOur annual conference is just over two months away! Please save the date for Tuesday, April 1. The theme…
President’s Message January 2025
Halò (hello in Scots Gaelic) In my first column of 2025, I would like to start by thanking Crystal Fulton for all her hard work in her Presidential Year. Those who had the pleasure of working with Crystal know that she is fun, caring, and committed, and we have been blessed to have her as…
From Your Executive Director, January 2025
Greetings Colleagues: I hope all who celebrated recent holidays had a joyous time and that everyone celebrated a Happy New Year. Here in the US we are getting our footing under a new presidential administration and assessing what the future holds on important topics like censorship, transparency, etc. But enough about that! Here at ASIS&T…
ASIS&T Partners with GMP
ASIS&T is excited to share that as of January 1, 2025, ASIS&T has partnered with Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide management support services for ASIS&T. While Lydia remains the Executive Director fully employed by ASIS&T, GMP is providing all other staffing for the associaton. While a change of staff involves some growing pains, we…
ASIS&T Change of Address
Effective January 1, 2025, the new address for the ASIS&T office is: 1935 County Road B2W Suite 165 Roseville, MN 55113 United States Please inform your business office (if applicable) of this change. Thank you! Back to Inside ASIS&T, January 2025
My Journey to ASIS&T 2024 – Amy Moy
This is the final post of the blog series where we share reflections from our 2024 NEASIS&T Conference Support Award recipients, offering a glimpse into the value and impact of the 2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Through their experiences, we aim to highlight the learning, networking, and growth that make this event so impactful. Be on the…
SIG-IEP Webinar
Partim orba seductaque. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque. Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli. Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.
Porrexerat mutatas ita campos caelum viseret locoque rudis. Homini tollere aer caeli acervo. Occiduo onus origo zonae iapeto inminet nulli elementaque.Deducite usu montibus igni tegit dixere campoque quem nulli.