Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), a fully refereed scholarly and technical periodical, has been published continuously since 1950. Edited by Dr. Steven B. Sawyer, JASIST publishes reports of research and development in a wide range of subjects and applications in information science and technology.
Past Issues of JASIS&T can be accessed through the ASIS&T Digital Library.
Featured Articles
Conceptual models of the sociotechnical: Introduction to special issue
Katrina Fenlon, Peter Organisciak, Andrea Thomer, Nicholas M. Weber
Conceptual modeling as language design
Ryan Shaw
Critical data modeling and the basic representation model
Karen M. Wickett
The “Collections as ML Data” checklist for machine learning and cultural heritage
Benjamin Charles Germain Lee
Travis L. Wagner, Diana Marsh, Lydia Curliss
Karin Hansson
Yi-Yun Cheng
Facts in the machine: Systems of record and the performance of sociotechnical truth
Elliott Hauser
One schema to rule them all: How Schema.org models the world of search
Andrew Iliadis, Amelia Acker, Wesley Stevens, Sezgi Başak Kavakli