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President’s Page

April 10, 2017 | Comments Off on President’s Page

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara Lynn Silipigni Connaway 2017 ASIS&T President Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research OCLC Research     Published in the April/May issue of the Bulletin I am happy to report that ASIS&T has been very active again in providing events and opportunities for our members to…

2017 SIG AH Symposium April 18-19, 2017

April 10, 2017 | Comments Off on 2017 SIG AH Symposium April 18-19, 2017

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara The theme for the 2017 SIG AH Symposium is: The Information and the Technology of Open Science in the Humanities. Digital technology has had a profound impact on scientific and scholarly communication. This program is a free, online symposium scheduled for April 18 & 19, 2017,  12-4:30pm ET/9-1:30PM PT. The…

ASIS&T Supports March For Science

April 7, 2017 | Comments Off on ASIS&T Supports March For Science

Posted on April 7, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara CALL TO ACTION: MARCH FOR SCIENCE April 22, 2017 Due to the current administration’s attitude towards science, an international movement has begun to bring attention to the importance of scientific research and evidence-based policies. A March For Science is scheduled around the world on April 22, 2017 (earth day) to…

New Leader Award Application Deadline!

April 7, 2017 | Comments Off on New Leader Award Application Deadline!

Posted on April 7, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara Are you a new ASIS&T member, in your first 3 years?  ASIS&T is accepting applications for the 2017-2018 New Leaders Program! The New Leaders Award endeavors to recruit, engage and retain members and to identify members that have leadership potential and are interested in increasing their involvement…

Science and Human Rights Coalition Report

April 3, 2017 | Comments Off on Science and Human Rights Coalition Report

Posted on April 3, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara ASIS&T Representative to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Human Rights Coalition on the Coalition Meeting on Climate Change and Human Rights, January 26-27, 2017, Washington, D.C. Report from Toni Carbo (with input from Abebe Rorissa)   As the ASIS&T representative, I participated…

ASIS&T Update from ASIS&T President

March 16, 2017 | Comments Off on ASIS&T Update from ASIS&T President

Posted on March 16, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara by Lynn Silipigni Connaway Lynn Silipigni Connaway is the 2016-2017 ASIS&T President. She is Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC Research. She can be reached at connawal<at>   I am happy to report that ASIS&T has been very active again in providing events and…

Past President Caidi’s Keynote Covered in Information Today

March 15, 2017 | Comments Off on Past President Caidi’s Keynote Covered in Information Today

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara Immediate Past President, Nadia Caidi was the Keynote Speaker at the RAILS conference in Wellington, New Zealand on December 7, 2016. Her presentation, “Diversity by Design: The Way Forward” was focused on diversity and librarianship was not only timely, but well presented. She talks about the moral…

April 2017 JASIST Now Available Online

March 15, 2017 | Comments Off on April 2017 JASIST Now Available Online

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara The newest edition of JASIST (April 2017) is now available online for review by members and subscribers. With 16 research articles ranging from Behavior-Based Personalization in Web Search to Metrics for Openness there’s something for everyone. Also in this issue are reviews on a Comparative Opinion Mining and A Survey on Tag Recommendation Methods as well as…

ASIS&T Presentation @ iSchool Conference

March 15, 2017 | Comments Off on ASIS&T Presentation @ iSchool Conference

Posted on March 15, 2017 by Yolande Nanayakkara ASIS&T Chapters and SIGs are collaborating on an ASIS&T presentation at the iSchool conference in Wuhan, China (March 22-25th). The Asian Pacific, Euro, Euro Student and Taipei Chapters, along with SIG III will all discuss their programs and how their activities closely support the iSchool concept. In addition they will discuss the…

Bob Williams History Fund

March 2, 2017 | Comments Off on Bob Williams History Fund

Posted on March 2, 2017 by Stephan Addo Dr. Robert V. Williams, affectionately known as Dr. Bob, passed away January 14, 2017. Bob Williams created the archival studies program, was an architect of the library school/history joint degree, and designed the undergraduate program in Information Science for the School of Library and Information Science at…