Member Match
Ready to be a Mentor or Mentee?
Deadline for Enrollment for 2023/2024 is June 30
Member Match is ASIS&T's Mentor Program! This program is designed to pair more senior, experienced ASIS&T members with newer, less experienced members for mentorship in the following areas:
- Research Advancement
- Research Collaboration
- Professional Networking
- Career Advancement
- Leadership Skills Development
- Greater Engagement with ASIS&T
- Networking at Annual Meeting
Member Match mentorship relationships can be as formal or informal as the participants wish. We will strive to match members based on areas of interest as well as ability to commit time to the relationship. Mentors and Mentees would be expected to commit for at least a year and adhere to the Member Match Program Guidelines.
While all mentees and mentors are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting, it is not required. The mentoring can take place fully virtually or a mix of virtual and in person.
If you are interested in participating in Early Career Research mentoring or the broader Mentor Match Program as a mentor or mentee, please enroll now. The questionnaire will help us to match mentees with a suitable mentor. Please note that we will try to match everyone we can but will be limited by the number of mentors and mentees who apply.
- The Member Match program is designed to provide a meaningful experience to both mentor and mentee
- Mentors will be selected to mentor in their areas of strength. Efforts will be made to match the mentor and the mentee according to strengths and needs.
- Mentoring will be recognized as volunteer service by ASIS&T and count towards Distinguished Membership status.
- Mentees will be encouraged to serve as mentors after their first year of mentorship to pay it forward.
ASIS&T will use the membership database to drill down for information such as Chapter and SIG affiliation which may prove useful as additional matching criteria.
- Both parties commit to regular meetings and should meet at least six times per year.
- Both parties develop goals for the mentee based on the mentee’s objectives in pursuing the mentorship program.
- Both parties complete a year-end evaluation of their experience.
- Recommend vehicles for promulgating their research and practice
- Provide advice on how to navigate their career (e.g. tenure, promotion, internship, transition, etc.)
- Ensure mentee is aware of ASIS&T resources that can help them advance in their career or within their field of research
- Serve as a host at Annual Meeting, recommending sessions to attend and introducing the mentee to notable members of the association and/or potential research collaborators
- Recommending volunteer opportunities within ASIS&T that would lead to greater visibility and responsibility
- Recommend award opportunities within ASIS&T