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Information Science in Africa: Past, Present, & Future

Information science as a field of study and the information profession in Africa has evolved over the past few decades. Despite drastic changes internationally, the information science field and profession on the continent has grown steadily in terms of scope, size, and impact. With the recent creation of the ASIS&T Africa Chapter, the time is ripe to assess historical trends, understand the lay of the current landscape, and chart future directions for the field and profession. Consequently, the Chapter’ first webinar presents a reflection and forecast on information science in Africa. Speakers, who are preeminent researchers, educators, and professionals in the field of information science and technology are:

Professor Jaya Raju is Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Humanities Faculty at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her area of research is Library and/or Information Science education and its epistemological implications for the discipline as well as for professional practice, particularly in the African developing context. Topic for presentation: Information science education in Africa.

Professor Kingo Mchombu works at the International University of Management (IUM), Namibia. Professor Mchombu is a former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Namibia. For the past 4 years, Professor Mchombu has been Acting Vice Chancellor, the International University of Management (IUM) in Namibia. Since the beginning of 2020, he is serving in a strategic advisory role for the Chairman and Governing Council at the same University. Topic for presentation: Information science research in Africa: trends and directions.

Blessing Mawire, International Development Consultant, South Africa. Blessing Mawire works in Sub-Saharan Africa and leverages opportunities for proper communication for development (C4D) and knowledge management solutions. Specifically, her background is in the areas of Project Management, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Research and Education Digital Skills and Critical Appraisal of Health Evidence. She is currently a Project Director for one of the state entities in South Africa and serving as a member of the ASIS&T Professional Development Committee. Topic for presentation: Reflections on the information professions in Africa and the skills needed in the future.

The Webinar will be moderated by Dr. Abebe Rorissa. Dr. Rorissa has been a member of ASIS&T for almost 20 years. He has served on the ASIS&T Board and the Executive Committee of the Board and as chair of the Awards and Honors Committee.

Webinar participants will:
1. learn the historical and current trends in information science education in Africa
2. learn the current trends and future directions of information science research in Africa
3. reflect on the information professions in Africa and identify future skills needed for information professionals on the Continent


Jaya Raju
Professor Jaya Raju is Head of the Department of Knowledge and Information Stewardship, Humanities Faculty at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her area of research is Library and/or Information Science education and its epistemological implications for the discipline as well as for professional practice, particularly in the African developing context. Topic for presentation: Information Science Education in Africa.

Kingo Mchombu
Professor Kingo Mchombu works at the International University of Management (IUM), Namibia. He is a former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Namibia. For the past 4 years, Professor Mchombu has been Acting Vice Chancellor, the International University of Management (IUM) in Namibia. Since the beginning of 2020, he is serving in a strategic advisory role for the Chairman and Governing Council at the same University. Topic for presentation: Information Science Research in Africa: Trends and Directions.

Blessing Mawire
Blessing Mawire International Development Consultant, South Africa. She works in Sub-Saharan Africa and leverages opportunities for proper communication for development (C4D) and knowledge management solutions. Specifically, her background is in the areas of Project Management, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Research and Education Digital Skills and Critical Appraisal of Health Evidence. She is currently a Project Director for one of the state entities in South Africa and serving as a member of the ASIS&T Professional Development Committee. Topic for presentation: Reflections on the information Professions in Africa and the Skills Needed in the Future.