Welcome to ASIS&T Webinars, your source for online live and on-demand content, created by the Association for Information Science & Technology. Our webinars connect you with experts and global thought leaders in information science, management, and business on relevant professional issues.
If you or your group are interested in presenting an ASIS&T Webinar, please submit the form. All webinars that cover topics deemed to be of interest to the ASIS&T membership and related communities will be considered. Once approved, the hosts/presenters will be contacted by ASIS&T staff who will coordinate and staff the webinar. Once the webinar is set up, ASIS&T will email the webinar event page for promotion to you (and the presenters). ASIS&T will also process webinar registrations and payments. After someone registers, they will be sent a unique web address to use to join on the date and time of the webinar. A tech check will be scheduled one or two days in advance of the actual webinar. On the day of the webinar, ASIS&T staff will contact the moderator and speaker(s) 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time to prepare to go live. Registrants will use their computers to view the presentation and will have an opportunity to type questions to the speaker at the end of their presentation. Within 24-hours of the conclusion of the webinar, registrants will be emailed a copy of the recorded webinar. The recording and a copy of the slides will be posted within iConnect, in the Past ASIS&T Webinars library. Login to iConnect to view all of the archived ASIS&T webinars. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.
All webinars hosted by ASIS&T will be free to current ASIS&T professional, student, and retired members. Non-members and ASIS&T Community Only Members will be charged a small fee of $25. The rationale for this policy is to ensure that members realize the value of their dues through free access to a product that would otherwise cost them an additional expense.
Revenue from the first five paid registrations is kept by ASIS&T to cover administrative costs. Any additional revenue is paid to the community.
Webinar Platform
**As of April 1 2025, we will be switching to Zoom Webinar**
ASIS&T uses GoToMeeting to deliver webinars hosted and presented by our SIGs, Chapters, and other stakeholders. Please note that Windows is the preferred operating system. Linux is not supported.
If you would like to propose a webinar, please:
- Select a date and time from the available options HERE.
- Complete the Webinar Proposal form.
For more information, check out our Guidelines and FAQ page.
Upcoming Webinars
Webinar: Open Science and How Creative Commons Licenses Can Make Your Research More Accessible
Sponsored By: South Asia Chapter
Presenter: Dr. Monica Granados
March 6, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Webinar: The Future of Memory A History of Lossless Format Standards in the Moving Image Archive
Sponsored By: SIG-Arts and Visual Cultures
Presenter: Dr. Jimi Jones
March 27, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Meet the Author Series: Media Ruins: Infrastructural Restitution and Building Futures in Post-Conflict Cambodia
Presenter: Maggie Jack
April 24, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Meet the Author Series: Data Borders: How Silicon Valley is Building an Industry to Know Immigrants & Responses
Presenter: Dr Melissa Villa Nicholas
May 29, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Meet the Author Series: Data Cartels: The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information
Presenter: Sarah Lamdan
July 10, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Webinar Recordings
All webinar registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording after the event. Recordings of past ASIS&T webinars are available to ASIS&T members within iConnect, in the Past ASIS&T Webinars library. Login to iConnect to view all of the archived ASIS&T webinars.
2025 Webinars
Centering LGBTQ+ Voices in Catalog Research: Insights from the Inclusive Catalog from the Inclusive Catalog Use Law
Brian Dobreski and Karen Snow
AI Cybersecurity Synergy Foundations
Dr. Shaikhah Alkhadhr
The Changing AI Regulatory Landscape: AI and Shifting Governance Frameworks
Dr. Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo
Generative AI for Research: Completely and Correctly Understanding a Research Paper using Generative AI
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab
2024 Webinars
A Balanced Life is an Ideal Life
Rao Adeel Nawab
AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date
Nina Rossi
AI for Information Access: How Do We Do It Responsibly?
Chirag Shah
Archive and Library Structures and Personnel in Hittite Civilization
Şafak Beldan
Article Writing Anxiety: Encountered Challenges and Adopted Strategies
Fawzi Shamsi
Assessing the Accessibility of Digital Special Collections for Print-disabled Users
Victoria Van Hyning
Data Quality Assurance Practices in Research Data Repositories (SIG-STI)
Besiki Stvilia & Dong Joon Lee
Developing a Responsible AI Strategy for your Library
Andrew Cox
Domain Analysis (DA) and Its Dialogical Relations with Discourse Communities, Epistemic Communities, Metatheory, and Invisible Colleges: Interdisciplinary Methodological Perspectives in Knowledge Organization (KO)- Sponsored by SIG-CMR
José Augusto Chaves Guimarães
Enhancing Metacognitive Awareness & Metaliteracy Skills Towards Becoming a Self-Determined Researcher
Brenda Van Wyk
Evidence Doesn't Speak for Itself
Sue Lacey Bryant
Grey Digital Divide - Sponsored by the ASIS&T Africa Chapter
Alice Odu
Information Ethical Considerations of Generative AI: Research, Teaching & Learning
Marlene Holmner
Information Ethics & Digital Wellness Toolkit
Naailah Parhboo
Knowledge Graph in Neo4J for Helping Student Success: a Case Study
Dr. Stanislava (Stasha) Gardasevic
The Legacy of Ancient Libraries to the Middle Ages: The Library of Alexandria and the Origin of Knowledge Brief Description- Sponsored by SIG-LIB
Özlemi Gökkurt Demirtel
Meet the Authors: Quantum Steampunk: The Physics of Yesterday's Tomorrow
Nicole Yunger Halpern
Meet the Editors
Steve Sawyer, Dan Wu
Networks of Screen Diplomacy: The United States Information Agency and Analog Disinformation Wars
Brian Real
New Thoughts about AI Literacy
Andrew Cox, Jutta Haider, Brenda Van Wyk
On the Duality of Metadata: Potential Uses and Abuses of Provenance Informatio
Sponsored by DCMI
Presenter: Amelia Acker
Opening the Black Box: Exploring Important Themes in AI and Libraries
Michael Ridley, Danica Pawlick-Potts
Research Dissemination Beyond Academic Publications- Sponsored by the ASIS&T Asia Chapter
Presenter: I Made Andi Arsana
Research Methods at the Intersection of VIS and AH- Sponsored by SIG-VIS and SIG-AH
Presenters: Dr. Katrina Fenlon, Dr. LaVerne Gray, Dr. Kate McDowell, Dr. Travis Wagner, Morgan Wofford
Resilience and Innovation to Navigate Adversity in Crowdfunded Projects- Sponsored by SIG-SM
Presenter: Prof. Shahla Ghobadi
The Theoretical Relevance of Social Epistemology in Library and Information Science- Sponsored by SIG-CMR
Presenter: Daniel Martínez Ávila
Untold Stories, Untraveled Paths: Exploring Oral Histories & Micro-Mobility Innovations- Sponsored by the ASIS&T U.S. Northeast Chapter
Presenters: Seul Lee and Bradley Hershenson
Values of the Metaverse and Its Use in Marketing and Collaboration- Sponsored by the ASIS&T Asia Chapter
Presenter: Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah
2023 Webinars
5 (or More) Tips for Thriving in Your Ph.D. Program (Sponsored by the ASIS&T Midwest Chapter)
Emily Knox
ARIST Paper Writing Workshop
Dr. Lisa Given, Dr. Bhuva Narayan, and Dr. John Budd
Critical Data Modeling (DCMI)
Karen Wickett
Doing your Research Work? Discover the Power of Qualitative Research through MAXQDA
Priya Vaidya
Early Career Researchers and Scholarly Communication: Attitudes, Behaviours, and Challenges
Hamid Jamali
Enhancing Collaboration and User Experience: Study Insights from Molly Rogers, Stacey Knight, Zhan Hu, and Catherine Dumas
Molly Rogers, Stacey Knight, Zhan Hu, and Catherine Dumas
Exploring ChatGPT: Unveiling the Power, Ethical Issues, and Educational Potential of AI Language Models (sponsored by US Midwest Chapter)
Amanda Hovious, Lala Hajibayova, Brady Lund, Andrew Smith
Get Published in Information Matters!
Chirag Shah
Getting Started with SQLite (DCMI)
Nishad Thalhath
Mapping Library and Information Schools: An International Approach
Fatih Oguz, Núria Bautista-Puig, Tiago Braga, and Chris Cunningham
Meet the Authors: Dealing With Change Through Information Sculpting
Ian Ruthven
Meet The Authors: Everyday Adventures with Unruly Data
Melanie Feinberg
Meet the Authors: Law and Policy for the Quantum Age
Chris Hoofnagel
Meet the Author: Paradoxes of Media and Information Literacy: The Crisis of Information
Jutta Haider and Olof Sundin
Meet the Author: The Political Lives of Information: Information and the Production of Development in India
Janaki Srinivasan
Meet the Author: Proximity and Epidata: Attributes and Meaning Modification (Sponsored by the ASIS&T US South Chapter)
Laurie Bonnici and Brian C. O'Connor
Meet the Authors: Text Mining for Information Professionals: An Uncharted Territory
Manika Lamba
Meet the Authors: Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS
Marika Cifor
Reshaping the Narrative: First-Generation Scholars in Information Science
Rebecca D. Stallworth, Rebekah (Becky) Willson, Kaushar Mahetaji, Cansu Ekmekcioglu
Understanding Metadata Collection, Management, and Standardization within Scholarly Research (DCMI)
Matt Mayernik
Useful e-Health Systems or Useful Health Information? (Hosted by Asia Pacific Chapter)
Isto Huvila
2022 Webinars
Applying FAIR Principles to Ontologies (DCMI)
María Poveda-Villalón
Building a Literacy Pedagogy Framework for Approaching Visualization of Archival Data (SIG-VIS)
Arjun Sabharwal
Centering Relationality in Indigenous Knowledge Organization (DCMI)
Sandy Littletree
Connected But Not Collective: Unsuccessful Digital Activism on Wikipedia (SIG-SM)
Amber Young
Covid-19 Discussions on Twitter: Identifying Key Issues (SIG-KM)
Mike Thelwall
The Fog of War: Examining the Spread of Dis- & Misinformation in the Russia-Ukraine War on Social Media (SIG-SM)
Anatoliy Gruzd
The Future Isn't Textbook: A View of the Textbook Publishing Landscape
Rachel Rubin and Richard Rubin
Information in Organizational Wrongdoing (SIG-KM & The Center for Studies of Information Resources of Wuhan University)
Chun Wei Choo
Linking Challenges for Pseudonyms (DCMI)
Charlene Chou
Meet the Authors Series: Architects of Memory
Nathan R. Johnson
Meet the Authors Series: The Digital Environment: How We Live, Learn, Work and Play Now
Pablo Boczkowski and Eugenia Mitchelstein
Meet the Authors Series: The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy
Heather Zeavin
Meet the Authors Series: The Evolutionary Dynamics of Discursive Knowledge: Communication-Theoretical Perspectives on an Empirical Philosophy of Science
Loet Leydesdorff
Meet the Authors Series: Fostering Wisdom at Work
Jeff Allen
Meet the Authors Series: Hyperdocumentation
Oliver Le Deuff
Meet the Authors Series: Libraries, Digital Information, and COVID: Practical Applications and Approaches to Challenge and Change
David Baker and Lucy Ellis
Meet the Authors Series: Media Disrupted: Surviving Pirates, Cannibals, and Streaming Wars
Amanda Lotz
Meet the Authors Series: Search Interface Design and Evaluation
Chang Liu, Ying-Hsang Liu, Ralf Bierig
Natural History Data Curation: Maintaining Infrastructures and Turning Documents Into Datasets (DCMI)
Andrea Thomer
Non-Library MLIS Careers (NEASIST)
Amanda Bloom and Lauren Wojcik
Querying Wikidata: All the Knowledge in the World
Daniel Garijo Verdejo
SIG-AH Virtual Symposium: Documenting, Describing, Differentiating: Stories of Singular Object Collections
Lucas Petzold, Michèle Cloonan, Debbie Behan Garrett
2021 Webinars
Computer-Assisted Analyses of Digitized Fine Art: Cézanne and His Sources
Melinda Weinstein
Deployment of Knowledge Management: A Ripple Effect
Shantanu Ganguly
The Engaging Technology Leader
Diana Lowe
The Future of Library Collaboration
Timothy Dickey, Brittany Brannon, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Wes Osborn, and Amy Pawlowski
The Impact of Information Literacy in the Digital Workplace (SIG-KM)
Gunilla Widén
In the Streets; On the Walls: Archiving, Activism, and the Urban Art Mapping Street Art Database (SIG-AH and SIG-VIS)
Todd Lawrence and Heather Shirey
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives (DCMI)
Koraljka Golub and Ying-Hsang Liu
Information Resilience as a Precondition to Build a Resilient Community: A New Research Paradigm
Sabuj Kumar Chaudhuri
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Privacy: The Role of Contextual Integrity in Supporting Diverse Inquiries and Contextual Practice (SIG-IEP)
Kirsten Martin, Helen Nissenbaum, Yan Shvartzshnaider, and Elana Zeide
Introduction to OpenRefine (DCMI)
Elizabeth Wickes
KNIME Analytics Platform (DCMI)
Magnus Pfeffer and Kai Eckert
Meet the Author Series: Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists
Ina Fourie
Meet the Author Series: Ideology and Libraries Subtitle: California, Diplomacy, and Occupied Japan, 1945–1952
Michael Buckland
Meet the Authors Series: A First Course in Network Science: How Networks Help Us Understand Social Media and Their Vulnerabilities
Filippo Menczer
Meet the Authors Series: Coding Democracy: How Hackers are Disrupting Power, Surveillance, and Authoritarianism
Maureen Webb
Meet the Authors Series: Cyber Republic: Reinventing Democracy in the Age of Intelligent Machines
George Zarkadakis
Meet the Authors Series: History and Information
Paul Duguid
Meet the Authors Series: Human‐Machine Shared Contexts
William F. Lawless, Ranjeev Mittu, and Don Sofge
Meet the Authors Series: Introduction to Information Visualization: Transforming Data into Meaningful Information
Gerry Benoit
Meet the Authors Series: Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation
Silvia Lindtner
Meet the Authors Series: The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope
Daniel Greene
Meet the Authors: Hacking Diversity: The Politics of Inclusion in Open Technology Cultures
Christina Dunbar-Hester
Meet the Editors
Steven B. Sawyer, Jim Jansen, June M. Abbas, Andrew Dillon
Modeling Intangible Entities in the Cultural Domains for Digital Archiving (DCMI)
Shigeo Sugimoto
Open Practices in Science and Education Think Pragmatically, Less Idealistically
Tamara Heck
Springer NatureSponsored Webinar: Bringing Deeper Insight to Data: The Role of Info Pros in Text and Data Mining Initiatives
Mary Ellen Bates and Robin Padilla
Team Power Dynamics and Team Impact
Huimin Xu