Standards Committee
ISO/DTS 23078-1, Specification of DRM technology
Voted APPROVE onISO/DTS 23078-1, Specification of DRM technology Question: Do you approve the draft for publication? Description: This document describes three types of copyright protection technologies in use in the publishing industry.
Read MoreISO/DTR 22038, Description and presentation of rights information
Voted APPROVE on ISO/DTR 22038, Description and presentation of rights information Question: Do you approve the draft for publication? Description: This document provides a guideline for digital collections to effectively present rights information to their end-users. Digital collection in this document is mainly focused on digital collections in libraries, museums, archives or other organizations that offer…
Read MoreISO/WD 639-4, Codes for the representation of languages
ISO/WD 639-4, Codes for the representation of languages Voted YES on ISO/WD 639-4, Codes for the representation of language Question: Do you approve the circulation of the draft as a CD? Description: This document gives the terminology and general principles of language coding for the code elements specified by the other parts of the ISO…
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