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ISO 15511:2019, Information and documentation – International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL)

Voted CONFIRM on ISO 15511:2019, Information and documentation – International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL) Description: This document specifies the International Standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL), which comprises a set of standard identifiers used for the unique identification of libraries and related organizations such as museums and archives with…

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ISO/FDIS 27729, Information and documentation – International standard name identifier (ISNI)

Voted APPROVE on ISO/FDIS 27729, Information and documentation – International standard name identifier (ISNI) Question: Do you approve the technical content of ISO/FDIS 27729? Description: This document specifies the International Standard name identifier (ISNI) for the identification of public identities of parties, i.e. the identities used publicly by parties involved throughout the media content industries…

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ISO/CD 16687, Impact assessment for museums

Voted NO COMMENT on ISO/CD 16687, Impact assessment for museums Question: Question: Do you have any comments related to the Committee Draft, ISO/CD 16687? Description: This document defines and describes methods for measuring and assessing the impact of museums on individuals and on society. The methods described can be used for identifying areas of influence…

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ISO/DIS 24138, International Standard Content Code (ISCC)

Voted ABSTAIN on ISO/DIS 24138, International Standard Content Code (ISCC) Description: This document specifies the syntax and structure of the International Standard Content Code (ISCC), as an identification system for digital assets (including encodings of text, images, audio, video or other content accross all media sectors). It also describes ISCC metadata and the use of…

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ISO/DIS 11799, Document Storage Requirements for archive and library materials

Voted YES on ISO/DIS 11799, Document Storage Requirements for archive and library materials Description: This document specifies the characteristics of repositories used for the long-term storage of archive and library materials. It covers the siting and construction and renovation of the storage facility and the installation and equipment to be used both within and around…

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TC 46 Strategic Business Plan 2023

Voted YES on TC 46 Strategic Business Plan 2023 Description: Standards developed under ISO/TC 46 “Information and documentation” aim to facilitate access to knowledge, culture and information and to help to develop appropriate automated tools, computer systems and services to disseminate the information that is curated and collated by libraries, archives, museums, publishers and other…

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Approval of NISO 105-202x, CP/LD Content Profile/Linked Document

Voted YES on Approval of NISO 105-202x, CP/LD Content Profile Linking Document Description: The purpose of the Content Profile/Linked Document (CP/LD) standard is to define a flexible, extensible, standards-based format for combining content, data, and semantics intended as a machine-readable, self-describing markup that can be used to exchange data and content between systems, APIs, and…

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NISO Z39.2022-202X,STS Standards Tag Suite

on Voted YES on NISO Z39.2022-202X,STS Standards Tag Suite Description: This voting pool is to approve the publication of the revised standard NISO Z39.102-202X, STS: Standards Tag Suite, as an American National Standard. The Standards Tag Suite (STS) provides a common XML format that developers, publishers, and distributors of standards, including national standards bodies, regional…

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NISO Z39.4-202x Criteria for Indexes

Voted YES on NISO Z39.4-202x Criteria for Indexes Description: This vote is to approve the publication of the standard NISO Z39.4-202x, Criteria for Indexes, as an American National Standard. This standard provides guidelines for the content, organization, and presentation of indexes used for the retrieval of documents and parts of documents. It deals with the…

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ISO/NP 24086, Digital Legacies

Voted YES on ISO/NP (New Proposal) 24086, Digital Legacies Description: This standard will provide guidance on how to manage a person’s digital accounts and assets after death and provide clarity as to what consumers’ rights are in relation to their digital media.

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