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An Overview of MetaData, Knowledge Management, and the Dublin Core

An Overview of MetaData, Knowledge Management, and the Dublin Core CO-ASIS&T Annual Business Luncheon Speaker: Stuart Weibel, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Dr. Weibel, one of the initiators of the Dublin Core, gave an overview of Metadata, including the philosophy behind the Dublin Core, and a quick introduction to RDF.

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Database Design: Collecting Human Services Data

Database Design: Collecting Human Services Data State of Ohio, Department of Human Resources Presented by Joni Cunningham, Office of Research, Deputy Director Patricia Badgero, Office of Research, Systems Analyst Michael Nabors, Bureau of Research and Evaluation, Mathematician Helen Anne Sweeney, Bureau of Research and Evaluation, Senior Economist Douglas Tracy, Bureau of Systems Design, Supervisor The…

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Ohio’s School of Library and Information Science: We Go the Distance!

Ohio’s School of Library and Information Science: We Go the Distance! Speaker: Dr Danny P. Wallace Director, School of Library and Information Science-Kent State University This presentation took place at an open house at the Columbus Campus of the School of Library and Information Science-Kent State University, and was co-sponsored by C-ALSSO (Columbus/Associated Library Science…

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Perspectives on the Digital Information Environment: A Case for Collaborative and Institutional Models

Perspectives on the Digital Information Environment: A Case for Collaborative and Institutional Models Presented by Wendy Lougee Assistant Director for Digital Library Initiatives University of Michigan Library The changing landscapes of higher education, scholarly communication, and technology have provided a catalyst for rethinking existing structures for information delivery and access within the academy. Wendy Lougee…

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Making the Pieces Fit: Maintaining a Coherent Web Presence in a Complex Organization

Making the Pieces Fit: Maintaining a Coherent Web Presence in a Complex Organization Presented by Karen Diaz Web Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries This presentation examined challenges the Ohio State University Libraries has faced on a variety of web site issues including: Delivering a variety of electronic resources (CD-ROM, web, telnet accessible / which…

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Telecommunications Revealed: New and Upcoming Technologies

Telecommunications Revealed: New and Upcoming Technologies CO-ASIS&T Annual Meeting Presented by Larry Learn Director, Telecommunications Planning, OCLC Recipient of the LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for 1997 Dinner Program For the first portion of the hour, Larry Learn will speak about the new and upcoming telecommunications technologies, with emphasis on the three issues (technolgy, economics, regulation)…

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The Digital Age and Archives

The Digital Age and Archives Presented by Karen Benedict Archival Consultant, The Winthrop Group Program Meeting The program will cover the following topics: 1. Issues in the long-term preservation of electronic records 2. The impact of the Internet and the World Wide Web on information delivery and the user base. 3. How proposed changes to…

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The Late Great Internet

The Late Great Internet CO-ASIS&T Annual Meeting Featuring Debora Shaw President-Elect, American Society for Information Science Associate Dean, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University Dinner Program It is easy to be overwhelmed by statistics on the growth of the Internet and commercialization of cyberspace; graphs of exponential growth confirm our impressions of living…

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