SIG of the Year Award
The SIG-of-the-Year Award was established in 1975. It is administered by the SIG Cabinet.
1.1 The award shall consist of certificates to be presented to each member of the governing body of the SIG by the SIG Cabinet Director at the banquet of the ASIS&T annual meeting.
2. Purpose of the Award
2.1 The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding professional accomplishments and activities of an ASIS&T Special Interest Group.
3. Eligibility
3.1 All active ASIS&T SIGs are eligible to receive this award. More than one awardee may be chosen in a given year. The same SIG may receive the award in consecutive years.
4. Administration
4.1 The SIG-of-the-Year Award is sponsored by the Association-at-Large and is administered by the SIG Cabinet.
5.1 The SIG Annual Activities Report and SIG-of-the-Year Criteria and Check-list and attached documentation shall comprise the nomination package.
5.2 Nominations shall be submitted through the SIG Annual Reporting process.
6. Jury Committee
6.1 The SIG-of-the-Year Award Jury is composed of six members (five voting), with the SIG Cabinet Director serving as Jury Chair. Two members of the Jury are to be chosen by the SIG Cabinet; one member to be appointed by the ASIS&T Board of Directors; one Past President appointed by the SIG Cabinet Director; and the ASIS&T Executive Director (ex officio without vote). Appointments are for a term of two years.
6.2 Members of the Jury cannot be reappointed to serve successive two-year terms.
6.3 If a Jury member is part of the governing body of a SIG which has been nominated for this award, the Jury Chair shall appoint another member of the SIG Cabinet (SIG Representatives or Alternates) to serve on the Jury in her/his place.
7. Selection of the Awardee
7.1 The Award shall be judged on outstanding performance of one or any combination of the following factors:
(a) A single publication for the SIG membership (newsletter);
(b) A single publication or professional development event for the Society, such as, a program at a regional or national non-ASIS&T conference, a paper published in a journal, or a monograph (emphasis is placed on content, not the fact of publication);
(c) A single publication for an audience outside of ASIS&T;
(d) An innovative form or medium of information presentation;
(e) A public service or participation in a public effort, such as, a legislative hearing, standards committee, or other program;
(f) A program at the annual or mid-year meeting of the Society;
(g) Special projects;
(h) Other noteworthy activities not explicitly named above; and
(i) Uniformly high performance over a year in member services and in contribution to the Society [this can be a combination of newsletters or other publications, conference programs, or other activities; (performance should be the major criterion)].
7.2 The Jury shall make their decision based upon the documentation submitted.
7.3 If the vote is not unanimous, the Jury shall then decide if more than one award should be given. If necessary, run-off votes may be taken or the Jury Chair may convene a conference call to resolve the decision.
7.4 The Jury Chair shall notify the Chair of the Awards and Honors Committee and the ASIS&T Executive Director that a winner has been declared by 30 days prior to the start of the ASIS&T annual meeting.
7.5 The Jury Chair shall provide a 50-250 word abstract, stating why the award was given. This abstract will be used to publicize the award. Material for this abstract can be taken from the voting rationales provided by the members of the jury.
7.6 The Jury Chair shall submit the nomination packets and the results of jury deliberations to ASIS&T Headquarters, after selection of the awardee(s) has been completed.
8. Presentation of the Award
8.1 The Award shall be announced and be presented to the governing officers of the SIG(s) by the SIG Cabinet Director at the banquet of the annual meeting of the Society.
8.2 The Award abstract shall be printed in the Annual Meeting program.
9. Publicity
9.1 The award shall be publicized through Inside ASIS&T and the association's website. Publicity is the responsibility of ASIS&T Headquarters.
10. Deadlines
10.1 Appointments to the Jury Committee shall be made in advance of the award year and not later than the start of the ASIS&T annual meeting.
10.2 Selection shall be made and the Chair of the Awards and Honors Committee and the ASIS&T Executive Director shall be notified that a winner has been declared by 30 days before the start of the ASIS&T annual meeting.