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CFP: Archives, libraries, and museums in the era of the participatory social Web

CFP: Archives, libraries, and museums in the era of the participatory social Web Special issue of the Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Guest editors Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, School of Journalism and Communication, Aix-Marseille University, France Elaine Ménard, School of Information Studies, McGill University, Québec, Canada Themes The term “Web 2.0” refers to a set of…

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Schedule for 10th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: Connecting (Epistemic) Cultures and (Intellectual) Communities

Schedule for 10th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: Connecting (Epistemic) Cultures and (Intellectual) Communities Please join us in Seattle and celebrate with us as we mark the 10th year of the SIG SI Research Symposium, to be held on Saturday, November 1st, 2014, from 8:30am – 12:30pm at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, as part of ASIS&T 2014. Register for the conference and symposium by September…

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CFP: Special First Monday issue on technology non-use

CFP: Special First Monday issue on technology non-use A call for papers has been issued for a special issue of First Monday on technology non-use. Extended abstracts of 400-500 words should be submitted via e-mail to nonuse2014@gmail.comby September 30th. The editors …seek submissions from a broad array of disciplines representing a diverse collection of methodological approaches to the topic of technology non-use. Studying non-use may…

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Call for Chapters: Collaborative Information Seeking

Call for Chapters: Collaborative Information Seeking A call for chapters has been issued for a book on Collaborative Information Seeking (CIS) to be published in 2015 by Springer. Chapter submissions are due by October 15th. CIS – also referred to as collaborative information retrieval and collaborative search – focuses on the notion that information seeking is not always a solitary activity, and that…

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Announcing the 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper award winners!

Announcing the 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper award winners! ASIS&T SIG SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) are pleased to announce the winning papers of the 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Awards. The winner of the 2013 Best Social Informatics Paper and $1,000 is: Budhathoki, N.R, and Haythornthwaite, C. (2013). Motivation for open collaboration: Crowd and community…

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New ASIS&T Blog and upcoming web site redesign

New ASIS&T Blog and upcoming web site redesign ASIS&T HQ has launched an official ASIS&T Blog, led by new ASIS&T Social Media Manager Diane Rasmussen Pennington, and is seeking contributions! This blog is meant to be a forum for any issues related to information science. I’d love to see lively discussions and shared ideas about our field in…

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iConference 2015 Call for Participation

iConference 2015 Call for Participation The iConference 2015 Call for Participation has been posted, and submissions are now being accepted. Deadlines are in September and October (more details below), with the conference in Newport Beach, CA March 24-27, 2015: The tenth annual iConference will take place March 24-27, 2015, in Newport Beach, California. The four days will include peer-reviewed papers [including short papers / notes], posters, workshops, and sessions…

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Call for Papers: “Research Methods for Community Informatics”

Call for Papers: “Research Methods for Community Informatics” The Journal of Community Informatics has issued a call for papers for a special issue on “Research Methods for Community Informatics.” Both full-length papers and notes from the field are solicited for double-blind peer review. Papers are due by November 15th, 2014; notes from the field by December 15th. Submissions should be made via the Web site of the Journal of Community…

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Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2013 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award

Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2013 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award SIG SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper written by a doctoral student on a topic informed by social informatics. Nominations may include a published paper in a peer reviewed journal during 2013 or a conference paper presented in 2013. The…

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Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Award

Call for nominations: SIG SI’s 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Award SIG SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper published in a peer reviewed journal on a topic informed by social informaticsduring the 2013 calendar year. The author or authors will present their paper at the 10th Annual SIG SI Symposium on…

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