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NISO RESTful Scholarly APIs Workshop Review and Summary

NISO RESTful Scholarly APIs Workshop Review and Summary By Catherine Dixon Boston, MA This fall I participated in a NISO workshop on scholarly RESTful APIs and given the upcoming API conference NEASIS&T is holding (January 8th, 2018, details here: I thought I would share my experience with my fellow metadata and technology enthusiasts. The…

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API Uses — Looking forward to our winter conference on APIs!

API Uses — Looking forward to our winter conference on APIs! I’m looking forward to our conference on January 8th on APIs in libraries! You can sign up for the event here: On Eventbrite Because of this excitement, I feel like I’m seeing API information everywhere! Here is the recording of a session called Trends and…

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Meet Your Board Members for 2017/2018!

Meet Your Board Members for 2017/2018! We have a wonderful new group of folks on the NEASIS&T board and they are all looking forward to working with you, our members, to create great programming, explore new topics in information science, and learn from each other in this vibrant network of curious information technology enthusiasts. They…

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Chapter Service Award Winners: Announcement and Interview

Chapter Service Award Winners: Announcement and Interview Louisa Choy and Kate Nyhan have been selected as our inaugural co-recipients of the ASIST New England Chapter Service Award for 2017 and will each receive $750 as a travel award.  Together, Louisa and Kate have worked tirelessly as our Programming Committee Chairs after years of active membership…

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Library Carpentry – May 15 @ MIT

Library Carpentry – May 15 @ MIT This Library Carpentry, one-day, hands-on workshop will cover jargon busting, data structures, using regular expressions for pattern matching, use of the Bash shell (aka the command line) to speed up and automate tasks, and using OpenRefine for data cleanup. We welcome groups enrolling as this helps with post-workshop…

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May Program Committee Meeting — In Person!

May Program Committee Meeting — In Person! Our next Program Committee meeting will be the 2nd Monday of May – May 8th from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Thornton’s Fenway Grille at 100 Peterborough St, Boston, MA 02215.    This is a completely open Program Committee meeting.  You don’t have to be in the Program Committee to join.  Nor…

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Up to $750 to support your participation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Up to $750 to support your participation at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting Application Deadline: Friday, April 21 Notification of Award Winners: Wednesday, May 3 About the Awards: Professional/Practitioner and Student The Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NE-ASIS&T) is pleased to announce two awards to support participation in the ASIS&T Annual Meeting.…

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Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 — Program

Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 — Program Schedule Thursday, January 12, 2017, 8:30am – 3:45pm EST 8:30-9:30 Breakfast and Registration 9:30-9:40 Welcome, Tom Hohenstein 9:40-10:25 Keynote: Meeting People Where They Are: An Introduction to Service Design in Libraries  [slides, pdf] Callan Bignoli and Lauren Stara 10:25-11:10 Keynote: Designing for Participation: Dignity and Autonomy of…

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Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017

Service Design: The Holistic Experience 1/12/2017 User experience remains a hot topic after NEASIST’s 2016 UX conference, and now you can deepen your understanding with a holistic view of service design. Do you want to tailor your entire ecosystem — personnel, spaces, and systems online and offline — to improve your users’ experiences? The New…

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