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Governance Update, November 2021

Governance Update, November 2021 October 29, 2021 The Board of Directors met on October 29, 2021 in Salt Lake City and via video conference. In attendance were Brian Detlor, PhD (President); Naresh Agarwal (President-Elect); Clara Chu, PhD (Past President); Ina Fourie, PhD (Treasurer); ); AJ Million (SIG Cabinet Director); Anna Maria Tammaro, PhD; Lydia Middleton,…

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From Your Executive Director, November 2021

From Your Executive Director, November 2021 Greetings colleagues, Having had a couple of weeks to recover from the mayhem of the Annual Meeting, ASIS&T staff are now settling back in and looking forward to a productive and exciting year. At the Annual Business Meeting, Brian Detlor covered our many accomplishments this year, and I want…

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Governance Update, August 2021

Governance Update, August 2021 The Board of Directors met on August 9, 2021 via video conference. In attendance were Brian Detlor, PhD (President); Naresh Agarwal (President-Elect); Clara Chu, PhD (Past President); Ina Fourie, PhD (Treasurer); ); AJ Million (SIG Cabinet Director); Anna Maria Tammaro, PhD; Dan Wu, PhD; Lydia Middleton, MBA, CAE (Executive Director); and…

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From Your Executive Director, August 2021

From Your Executive Director, August 2021 Greetings ASIS&T Members, As is always the case around this time of year, most of our thoughts and activities focus around the Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting is particularly challenging as we strive to simultaneously produce an in-person meeting and an online meeting. This presents unique challenges that we…

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Skepticism and “Wow!” in Library AI

Skepticism and “Wow!” in Library AI by David Hurley I am suspicious of many claims about AI. The immense power of artificial intelligence is undeniable every time I ask my phone for directions, or search my photos using just the word “recipes” and find pictures of cookbook pages and handwritten note cards that do, in…

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The Fine Line Between Exploration and Self-Destruction

The Fine Line Between Exploration and Self-Destruction by Rachelle Brandel Before this institute, I, like most people, thought of AI as humanoid robots and super computers. So, when my idea of creating a program to help students improve search skills by comparing search queries to the subsequent chosen resource came to mind, it seemed relatively…

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The IDEA Institute on AI is such a necessary resource for the library field

The IDEA Institute on AI is such a necessary resource for the library field by Trevor Watkins Prior to the pandemic in August 2019, I, on behalf of my research partners, presented a poster at the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions World Library and Information Congress in Athens Greece. The project, which had…

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AI in library from learning to application

AI in library from learning to application by Gang Shao With the increasing computational capacity, AI and machine learning, particularly deep learning, are becoming leading technics and have more and more impacts in our daily life, from face recognition phone lock to security camera to the whole smart home systems, from learning information with big…

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AI Communication Facilitation between Stakeholders

AI Communication Facilitation between Stakeholders by Martha Anderson Can AI facilitate communication between the organization’s internal and external stakeholders while managing change? Organizational restructuring is not necessarily new to libraries. However, creating a cohesive team and a unified message while managing change can be difficult. If we consider the additional challenges of the pandemic in…

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Robots are headed out of Makerspaces and into the stacks

Robots are headed out of Makerspaces and into the stacks by Dorothy Ogdon   Robots are automated machines usually intended to replace or lessen human effort in tasks. Cobots are automated machines designed to work collaboratively alongside humans. Twenty-one years past the start of the 21st century, robots and cobots of all kinds are present in libraries, as a popular feature of STEAM, STEM, and Makerspace activities.…

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