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ASIS&T Welcomes Two New Staff

ASIS&T Welcomes Two New Staff ASIS&T is pleased to announce that two new staff members have joined the Association. Garrett will be responsible for all ASIS&T publications, including JASIST, Information Matters, and ARIST. Pamela will be responsible for all other communications and marketing of the association. Please join us in welcoming them! Garrett Doherty Managing…

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Call for Nominations: 2021 ASIS&T International Awards

Call for Nominations: 2021 ASIS&T International Awards ASIS&T is now accepting nominations for the following awards: Award of Merit This award is a lifetime achievement award that recognizes sustained contributions to and/or achievements in the field of information science and/or the professions in which it is practiced. Best Information Science Book Award This award recognizes…

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Call for Applications: Information Matters Editor-in-Chief

Call for Applications: Information Matters Editor-in-Chief Position Description / Announcement Editor-in-Chief, Information Matters The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) invites creative, forward-thinking applicants for the role of founding Editor-in-Chief of Information Matters. Information Matters (IM) is a digital-only communication translational forum for information science, bringing relevant and current research evidence and industry developments,…

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Call for Volunteer: Chapter Assembly Deputy Director

Call for Volunteer: Chapter Assembly Deputy Director ASIS&T is seeking a Deputy Chapter Assembly Director. The Deputy Chapter Assembly Director will serve in this role until November 2, 2021, at which point they will automatically become the Chapter Assembly Director. The duties of this role include: assisting and standing in as necessary for Chapter Assembly…

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Gain Visibility – Share Your Research

Gain Visibility – Share Your Research ASIS&T is seeking members to share their research in new webinars for 2021. Why Should You Submit a Webinar Proposal? Webinars bring visibility, as well as potential revenue, to chapters and SIGs. Webinars provide the opportunity for members to share their research and gain feedback from other ASIS&T members.…

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Ethics in AI Statement

Ethics in AI Statement Statement on AI ethics and the contributions of diverse voices in the discussion Recent events surrounding Dr. Timnit Gebru, formerly the co-lead of Google’s Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) team, have shed light on the importance of unbiased research into the ethical issues surrounding the use of AI and the need for…

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From Your Executive Director

From Your Executive Director Lydia S. Middleton, MBA, CAEASIS&T Executive Director Greetings from ASIS&T headquarters where we are finally wrapping up the last details of the 2020 Annual Meeting. We were very pleased with the outcome of the meeting, and hope that those of you that were able to attend got a lot out of…

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Sawyer Named JASIST Editor-in-Chief

Sawyer Named JASIST Editor-in-Chief Dr. Steven Sawyer of Syracuse University has been selected to be the new Editor of the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST).  Dr. Sawyer succeeds Dr. Javed Mostafa of the University of North Carolina who has been editor since 2016.  Dr. Sawyer is director of the…

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2021 Annual Meeting News

2021 Annual Meeting News   INFORMATION: EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, JUSTICE, AND RELEVANCE The 84th Annual Meeting will be held October 30-November 2, 2021, in Salt Lake City, UT. Please take a minute to review the website and see all of the amazing things you will be able to see and do in Salt Lake City. …

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