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School Librarian Cuts!

School Librarian Cuts! Some bad news in the aggregate for school librarians, even those who have been bringing new technologies into play! We need to advocate for all of what we offer – including how we can leverage technology beyond Google searches!

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21st Century Job Search Strategies for You and Your Customers

21st Century Job Search Strategies for You and Your Customers When it comes to job hunting, never before have there been so many options!  The tech revolution has brought unprecedented change that impacts American job seekers of all ages, and Ohio Library staff need the most current skills and strategies to meet the challenge.  Whether…

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From Intervention Informatics to Prevention Informatics

From Intervention Informatics to Prevention Informatics Big News! On Monday April 11, 2011, a special lecture is being co-sponsored by the newest American Society for Information Science & Technology chapter: the Ohio River Valley Chapter. In conjunction with the University of Kentucky, the new Ohio Valley Chapter is sponsoring a visit with Dr. Sherrilynne Fuller,…

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Upcoming OCLC Research Presentation

Upcoming OCLC Research Presentation The Dryad Repository: A New Path for Data Publication in Scholarly Communication “Dryad is an international repository for data underlying peer-reviewed articles in the basic and applied biosciences. Many datasets collected by academic researchers are not shared with the wider community even after findings based upon them are reported in the…

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Breaking News in E-books: Judge Chin Denies Google for the Third Time

Breaking News in E-books: Judge Chin Denies Google for the Third Time In the wake of a very recent French court decision regarding Google’s privacy protections in Europe, it seems an even larger defeat was just dealt to the Google Books Search. Judge Danny Chin (for the last time in his court?) rejected the settlement between Google…

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Kindles and Kobos and Nooks, OH MY!

Kindles and Kobos and Nooks, OH MY! It’s an eReader jungle out there… so plan to join us for an informative presentation about these devices and more.   Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Robin Nesbitt, Jennifer Hrusch and George Morrison will discuss how to get content, the features and benefits of eReader devices, and digital rights management.  Don’t…

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Top Tech Trends for Education, 2011

Top Tech Trends for Education, 2011 The 2011 Horizon Report is out, with the most crucial trends expected for the coming year. Mobile technology tops the list for the third straight time. Gaming in education is relatively new (though my junior high years ago used role-playing in the history classroom quite extensively.)

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12 Technologies on the Verge of Extinction

12 Technologies on the Verge of Extinction The list was compiled by gizmodo: the PC should survive, but the e-reader is listed as fatal! (The analogy they draw is e-reader : tablet :: pocketknife : Swiss army knife. A tool more versatile is a tool that will survive.)

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Getting Libraries to Web-Scale

Getting Libraries to Web-Scale Andrew Pace, always entertaining and informative, will speak at the December gathering of the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (CO-ASIS&T). Plan to attend his presentation on Tuesday, December 7, 2010: “Getting Libraries to Web-scale” Last year, Andrew Pace talked about the web-scale landscape for libraries.…

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