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Research and Development of FRBR-Based Systems to Support User Information Seeking

Research and Development of FRBR-Based Systems to Support User Information Seeking The Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology is honored to have Dr. Yin Zhang and Dr. Athena Salaba as our guest speakers at the November 9th, 2010 Program:“Research and Development of FRBR-Based Systems to Support User Information Seeking“…

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Information Technology: What Keeps Me Awake at Night

Information Technology: What Keeps Me Awake at Night CO-ASIS&T Annual Meeting Carol Pitts Diedrichs, Director of Libraries at The Ohio State University, will speak at this year’s annual meeting of the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (CO-ASIS&T). Carol’s presentation Information Technology: What Keeps Me Awake at Night will focus on a…

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Demonstrating Value to Shareholders

Demonstrating Value to Shareholders Libraries are essential – but are your shareholders getting the message? Recession and shrinking budgets are reducing access to library services now, when they’re need most. Are you successfully demonstrating your value to your community? your faculty? your parent organization? It’s more important than ever. Whether you work in a public,…

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Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Relevance of Social Media for Libraries

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Relevance of Social Media for Libraries Would you like to know more about how Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn can benefit you and your customers?  Our speakers will provide a brief overview of each medium and discuss how they can benefit us as information professionals, our customers and our organizations.  Learn more, and join…

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The Open Access Community and OAIster

The Open Access Community and OAIster What is OAIster?  It’s actually a catalog of millions of digital resources from thousands of contributors around the world.  OAIster was built by harvesting from open archive collections using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).  The result provides access to digitized books, articles, and text, audio…

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Visit to the Thompson Memorial Library at Ohio State

Visit to the Thompson Memorial Library at Ohio State Save-the-date for an extraordinary visit to the Thompson Memorial Library at The Ohio State University. Associate Professor Wes Boomgaarden will be our guide for a tour through the magnificent Main Library at Ohio State. As the Thompson Library Renovation Officer since 2000, his inside knowledge and perspective…

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Geo Tagging Digital Photography for Learning, Research, and Just Plain Fun!

Geo Tagging Digital Photography for Learning, Research, and Just Plain Fun! Presenter Mace W. Mentch, Ph.D. is Assessment Specialist in Instructional Technology and Academic Computing for Case Western Reserve University.  He is responsible for the design and implementation of an array of assessment, research, and evaluation projects with emphasis on documenting learning effects and evaluating…

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A Hands-On Introduction to Second Life and Select Educational Regions

A Hands-On Introduction to Second Life and Select Educational Regions Are you ready to step into Second Life?  Do you want to know more about how libraries fit into this new world?  Then you’re sure to enjoy and benefit from this Central Ohio Chapter,  American Society for Information Science & Technology (CO-ASIS&T) workshop on Friday,…

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Libraries in the Cloud

Libraries in the Cloud Please join us for our Annual Chapter Meeting: Libraries started moving their services to “the cloud” long before the metaphor emerged to describe the popular trend.  Nevertheless, locally deployed and managed systems prevail in the world of library back-office operations.  Andrew will talk about the library’s place in the web-scale landscape…

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What Types of Information and Systems does a News Library (and a newspaper) Use?

What Types of Information and Systems does a News Library (and a newspaper) Use? A special program, co-sponsored by the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (CO-ASIS&T) and the Special Libraries Association (SLA) on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at The Columbus Dispatch: What types of information and systems does…

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