Workshops are offered as an add-on to the full meeting or as stand-alone events. Meeting registration is encouraged, but not required. Full-day fee includes lunch and two breaks, and half-day includes one break. See Annual Meeting Workshop rates here.
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) (Find your time here)
Metrics 2021: Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research (SIG-MET)
Fei Shu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, People's Republic of China; Pei-Ying Chen, Indiana University Bloomington, USA; Indiana University Bloomington, USA; Shenmeng Xu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
This half-day workshop will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research and applications including new theoretical approaches, indicators, and tools among young and established researchers, PhD students, information professionals, and librarians active in the field of informetrics and scientometrics. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) (Find your time here)
Key Topics in the (Dis)Information Wars
Thomas Froehlich, Kent State University, USA
This workshop will provide pedagogical techniques to teach attendees how to understand and develop strategies in our current environment where disinformation and misinformation are used in culture wars against authentic, verifiable information. It provides a multifaceted approach in which each facet reinforces the others. The topics are: (1) characteristics of the Age of (Dis)Information; (2) the varieties of false information; (3) knowledge, belief, opinion, and second-hand knowledge; (4) deception and self-deception; (5) psychological factors; (6) cognitive authorities; (7) social media; (8) information, media, and digital literacies; (9) persuasive technologies; and (10) ethical violations and logical fallacies in political rhetoric. Each topic outlines the key ideas and provides a discussion or exercises for the participants to undertake to confirm the key points. Each topic will start with a recorded 20–30-minute PowerPoint presentation followed by a discussion and/or exercises. Part 2 will be presented on Sunday, 24 October. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
The following workshops will be presented on the dates and times (Mountain Daylight Time) noted below, in a hybrid format with all being available to attend in person or virtually. Some presenters will present in person and some will be virtual.
8:00 AM-12:00 PM (Find your time here)
The 17th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium and the 3rd Annual Information Ethics and Policy Workshop: Sociotechnical Perspectives on Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (SIG-SI and SIG-IEP)
Colin Rhinesmith, Simmons University, USA; Kolina Koltai, University of Washington, USA; Xiaohua Zhu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA; Madelyn Sanfilippo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
The ASIS&T Special Interest Group Social Informatics (SIG-SI) and Information Ethics and Policy (IEP) will present this half-day workshop. The workshop’s theme aligns well with the ASIS&T 2021 Annual Meeting theme and offers an opportunity to focus scholarly attention on the social, cultural, political, and economic shaping of sociotechnical systems and their consequences. We invite a range of scholarly sociotechnical inquiries alongside ethical, practical, and policy perspectives across a range of disciplines and sectors. The workshop will provide a physical and virtual space to share and exchange experiences and ideas or suggest theories and directions for future work among international SI researchers and practitioners. The workshop will broadly appeal to the ASIS&T community, particularly to researchers interested in sociotechnical and ethical information or technology issues. We also welcome professionals from industry, ICT communities, and human rights organizations. Our aims include the following: collaboratively produce short- and long-term research agendas to address pressing critical and diversity concerns around technology; facilitate collaboration; and strategically prioritize research that will support empirically driven policy making, ethical decision-making, and practice for social justice and well-being with pervasive and emerging sociotechnical systems. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
9:00 AM-5:00 PM (Find your time here)
Social Media Research, Challenges, and Opportunities (SIG-SM)
Organizers: Amir Karami, University of South Carolina, USA; Loni Hagen, University of South Florida, USA; Catherine Dumas, Simmons University, USA; Aylin Ilhan, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany; Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; Tara Zimmerman, The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Presenters: Presenters: Avery Holton, University of Utah, USA; Jana Diesner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Javed Mostafa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; Chirag Shah, University of Washington, USA; Vivek Singh, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA
This full-day workshop aims to promote discussion and disciplinary convergence on the topic of social media research focusing on issues related to pandemic, election, mis/disinformation, and social bots. Social media has become a mainstream channel of communication where users share and exchange information. The ASIST community is uniquely situated in this landscape as a community of researchers and educators who study different issues using social media data. This workshop aims to: 1) highlight current social media research opportunities and challenges, 2) identify and connect social media researchers, 3) introduce dis/misinformation issues in social media, and 4) provide practical guides to investigators, enhancing their understanding of the grant development process and their abilities to write a successful external grant proposal. This workshop brings together a group of social media researchers and senior faculty who developed successful external proposals to share their research and experiences. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
8:00 AM-12:00 PM (Find your time here)
Artificial Intelligence in Information Research and Practice: Fostering Interconnected Communities (SIG-AI)
Soo Young Rieh, The University of Texas at Austin, USA; Clara M. Chu, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA; Dania Bilal, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
This half-day workshop aims to support and advance an ASIS&T AI community by connecting AI research and practice in library and information environments. We invite a broad range of participants who are already engaged in developing AI applications and solutions and are interested in learning about the opportunities and challenges in AI research, by discussing how to integrate empirical research findings into AI development. Through a panel discussion, lightning talks, a brainstorming session, breakout group conversations, and a plenary discussion, the workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to obtain feedback on preliminary and ongoing work, identify pressing challenges and critical questions of AI in library and information environments, and develop new research problems and approaches. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
21st Annual Research Symposium at ASIST 2021: Methods for Real-World Impact with Information Behavior Research (SIG-USE)
Sarah Barriage, University of Kentucky, USA; Leslie Thomson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
The 21st Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium focuses on the theme of methods for investigating and making real-world impact with human information behavior and practices research. This symposium is an opportunity for researchers, students, faculty, and information professionals who are interested in information behavior and practices to discuss the metatheories, methodological approaches, research methods, and techniques that shape human information behavior and practices research, and that translate to positive differences in the world. The symposium will feature an informative panel presentation, as well as several paper and poster presentations, in order to explore different methodological and methods-related developments and challenges in information behavior and practices research. The symposium will also offer a Q&A session for authors who are interested in submitting their works to the upcoming Library and Information Science Research special issue on information behavior and information practices methods. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.
1:00 PM-5:00 PM (Find your time here)
Toward a Shared Vision of Privacy Protections in Public Libraries
Masooda Bashir, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Marshall Breeding, Library Technology Guides, USA; Celeste Choate, The Urbana Free Library, USA; Alison Macrina, Library Freedom Project, USA; Bill Marden, The New York Public Library, USA
This half-day hybrid workshop dedicated to patron-privacy protections in public libraries welcomes all participants who are public librarians, information technology experts, or academic researchers interested in data privacy. The workshop will be led by Prof. Masooda Bashir who was recently awarded an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) /National Leadership Grant (NLG) to study this topic. Workshop participants will learn about new research in this field, hear from experts on their approaches to patron privacy, and have an opportunity to discuss possible steps forward for public libraries in the United States. We are excited to feature the following library privacy experts: Alison Macrina, Director of the Library Freedom Project, Bill Marden, Director of Privacy and Compliance from The New York Public Library, Celeste Choate, Executive Director at The Urbana Free Library, and Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, to share how different libraries, with varying clienteles, deal with patron privacy concerns. Workshop discussions will culminate in a draft for an open-access guide that identifies the specific challenges public libraries face in protecting patron privacy, lists best practices, and establishes a network of collaborators who will develop a shared vision to tackle this problem. In short, this workshop aims to support public libraries’ ongoing efforts to promote equitable access to information and safeguard users’ privacy, particularly for low-income populations and minority communities, who are often both frequent users of public-library digital resources and at risk for violations of their personal privacy. Full workshop agenda is available here. The workshop will be available to attend virtually or in-person. Additional registration fee applies. Register here.