In-Person Poster Viewing
Monday, 1 November, 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
Formal Presentations begin at 6:00 pm
Virtual Poster Session
Tuesday, 2 November, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Naresh Kumar Agarwal, Simmons University, USA; Md. Anwarul Islam, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
A Comparison of Search Functionalities in Several Tools Used for Searching Within Digital Text Collections
Liezl Hilde Ball, University of Pretoria, South Africa; Theo Bothma, University of Pretoria, South Africa
A Conceptual Framework of Data (Info) Quality Revisited
Brenton Stewart, Louisiana State University, USA; Boryung Ju, Louisiana State University, USA
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Hashtag #WeAreAllIsraaGhrayeb on Twitter: An Exploration of Honor Killing Crimes in Palestine
Baheya Jaber, University of Alabama, USA
A Data Mining Method for Resolving Color Ambiguity Issues
Hong Cui and Noah Giebink, University of Arizona, USA; Bruce Ford, University of Manitoba, Canada; Étienne Léveillé-Bourret, Dylan Longert, and Julian Starr, University of Ottawa, Canada
A Peek into the US Informal STEM Landscape Through Theconnectory.org
Hong Cui, Sebastian Deimen, and Michelle Higgins, University of Arizona, USA
A Structural Topic Model Analysis of Privacy in Mandarin Chinese News: 2010-2019
Yuanye Ma, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
A Study of Knowledge Work in the Library
Darin Freeburg, University of South Carolina, USA
A Survey of Exclusively Data Journals and How They are Indexed by Scientific Databases
Kai Li, Renming University, People's Republic of China; Chuyi Lu, The Library of Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, People's Republic of China; Chenyue Jiao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Actionable Approaches to Promote Ethical AI in Libraries
Helen Bubinger and Jesse Dinneen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
An Exploratory Study on Chinese Preteens' Internet Use and Parental Mediation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yanqiong Zhang, Jianhao Tang, and Pengyi Zhang, Peking University, People's Republic of China
Analyzing Readers’ Responses to Fake News on Facebook
Alton Y.K. Chua and Xiaoyu Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Appraising Research Data for Long-Term Preservation: An Analysis of Research Data Collection Policies
Jeonghyun Kim and James Faulkner, University of North Texas, USA
Autonomy Framing and Cybersecurity Training Completion
Philip Romero-Masters and Kristin Eschenfelder, University of Wisconsin, USA
Boundary Crossing in Online Community of Practice: “Between Art and Quarantine”
Meredith Dedema and Pnina Fichman, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Breaking the Information Cocoon: When do People Actively Seek Conflicting Information?
Hanqi Peng and Chang Liu, Peking University, People's Republic of China
Challenges of Ovarian Cancer Patient and Caregiver Online Health Information Seeking
Yu Chi, Vivian Hui, Hannah Kunsak, Peter Brusilovsky, Heidi Donovan, Daqing He, and Young Ji Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Clusters, Stars, and Hashtags: Understanding Librarians’ Professional Online Networks
Deborah Hicks, San Jose State University, USA
Collaborative Approach to Translating Online Learning Content: Research Data Management Librarian Academy (RDMLA) and National Taiwan University (NTU) Library Translation and Co-Creation Partnership
Ashley Thomas, Harvard Medical School, USA; Zhan Hu, Simmons University, USA
Cross-Cultural Analysis of Trolling Behaviors
Pnina Fichman and Maanvi Rathi, Indiana University, USA
Data Mining on COVID-19 Vaccines: Side Effects
Jing You, Nagma Shaik, and Haihua Chen, University of North Texas, USA
Digital Contact Tracing in the EU: Data Subject Rights and Conflicting Privacy Governance
Alex Rosenberger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Yan Shvartzshnaider, York University, Canada; Madelyn Sanfilippo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Digital Humanities in the Job Market
Yahan Wang, Central University of Finance and Economics, People's Republic of China; Zhiya Zuo, City University of Hong Kong; Xi Wang, Central University of Finance and Economics, People's Republic of China
Discovery of a Hidden Pattern in Social Discussion
Yunseon Choi, Valdosta State University, USA
Evaluation of a Chat Interface for Diary Studies in Information Behavior Research
Konstantin Kulik, Michael Achmann, and Christian Wolff, Media Informatics Group, University of Regensburg
Exploring the Computational Recovery of the Typographical Logic of Book Indexes as Paratext for Improving Navigation Within Digitized Historical Texts Using Semantic Methods
Huapu Liu and Steven MacCall, University of Alabama, USA; Nicole Lewis, University of Utah, USA
Extracting the Implicit Search States from Explicit Behavioral Signals in Complex Search Tasks
Ben Wang, Texas State University, USA; Jiqun Liu, University of Oklahoma, USA
Factors for Online Identity Falsification Among Israeli Students in the Era of COVID-19
Maor Weinberge Bar-Ilan University, Israel; Dan Bouhnik, Bar-Ilan University and Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
Fixing for Change: Stories of Information and Aspiration in Community Repair
Michelle Kaczmarek, University of British Columbia, Canada
Flames of Justice in the Virtual Garden: A Preliminary Analysis of Tweets Around the Death of an Indian Celebrity
Subhasree Sengupta and Jasmina Tacheva, Syracuse University, USA
Gender Disparity in Expressed Emotions Within Health-Related Online Support Groups
Yuehua Zhao, Hao Wang, and Sanhong Deng, Nanjing University and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, People's Republic of China; Ye Chen, Central China Normal University, People's Republic of China
Gendered Sounds in Household Devices: Results from an Online Search Case Study
Jacob Roy, Chidansh Bhatt, Mary Chayko, and Vivek Singh, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA
Health Equity and Small and Rural Public Libraries During COVID-19
Ellen Rubenstein and Susan Burke, University of Oklahoma, USA; Christine D'Arpa, Wayne State University, USA; Noah Lenstra, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Health Information Seeking on Social Apps Among Older Adults Living with Chronic Conditions
Mengyuan Zhao, Shijie Song, and Yuxiang {Chris} Zhao, Nanjing University, People's Republic of China
Impact of Gain-Loss Message Framing on Bedtime Procrastination of College Students: From the Perspective of the Powerful Effect Theory
Ziqi Liu and Shijuan Li, Peking University, People's Republic of China
Indigenization and Development of Library Science Education in China in 1912-1949
Qingmei Wu, Ximing Xiao, and Zongyi Du, Wuhan University, People's Republic of China
Information Flow and Social Organization in a Bitcoin Discussion Network on Twitter
Celina Jepsen Færch, Sze Sen Poon, and Yunqian Tian, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Information Organization and Information Retrieval in the LIS Curriculum
Brian Dobreski and Xiaohua Zhu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA; Tao Yang, South China Normal University, China; Laura Ridenour, University of Missouri, USA
Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Digital Humanities: Evidence from Public-Funded Projects in China
Jingwen Lian and Yuxiang {Chris} Zhao, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, People's Republic of China
Internet of Samples
Eric C Kansa and Sarah Whitcher Kansa, The Alexandria Archive Institute; Kerstin Lehnert and Sarah Ramdeen, Columbia University, USA; Christopher Meyer, Thomas Orrell, and Rebecca Snyder, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA; Hong Cui, Quan Gan, Danny Mandel, Stephen M. Richard, Ramona L. Walls, and Yuxuan Zhou, University of Arizona, USA; Neil Davies, John Deck, and John Kunze, University of California, USA; Dave Vieglais, University of Kansas, USA
Investigating Learner’s Online Learning Behavioural Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kok Khiang Lim and Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Investigating the Influence of Cute Aesthetics in Community Crowdsourcing
Chei Sian Lee, Silei Tian, Anran Xu, Yuhang Liu, Dion Goh, and Nozomi Seah, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Is Gamification Effortful? A Study in the Crowdsourcing Context
Dion Goh, Yi Dan, Tiantian Huang, Mengtian Zhang, and Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Knowledge Construction Considered Harmful: Can Theory Building Explain Bolsonaro?
Renato Russo and Paulo Blikstein, Columbia University, USA; Renata Penalva Vieira da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Makerspaces Designed for All: Creating Equitable and Inclusive Learning Environments in Libraries
Amelia Anderson, Old Dominion University, USA; Abigail Phillips, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Management Software for Monitoring Related Versions of Cultural Heritage Artifacts for Libraries and Museums
Anousha Athreya, S. Koby Taswell, and Carl Taswell, Brain Health Alliance, USA
Meta-Gender-Study: A Gender Study of Global Distribution on Gender Studies
Yinying Sun, and Wen Lou, East China Normal University, People's Republic of China; Lin Zhang, Wuhan University, People's Republic of China
Modeling the Preferences of Demographical Reading Habits: A Primary Case Study of a Public Library in Shanghai
Wen Lou and Jingjing Chen, East China Normal University, People's Republic of China
Moving Past Metadata: Improving Digital Libraries with Content-Based Methods
Adrienne VandenBosch, University of Denver, USA; Benjamin Schmidt, New York University, USA; Krystyna Matusiak and Peter Organisciak, University of Denver, USA
Out of the Past: The Challenges of B.C.E. Dates in Metadata
Annamarie Klose, Ohio State University, USA; Scott Goldstein, McGill University, Canada; Morris Levy, Ohio State University, USA
Preliminary Simulation for Obtaining Accurate Heart Rate Data Using Imputation Methods
Yisi Sang, Avin Deshmukh, Angela Ramnarine Rieks, Daniel Lugo, and Sichun Xu, Syracuse University, USA
Public Engagement with Science via Social Media: A Case of Communicating the Pandemic on Twitter
Emma Knox and Noriko Hara, Indiana University, USA
Radical Empathy in the University Archives: Examining Archival Representations of Chinese Students from 1906 to 1925
Ruohua Han and Yingying Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Reddit as a Forum for Social Service Workers
Pelle Tracey and Alexandria Rayburn, University of Michigan, USA
Research on the Index for Evaluating Academic Active Degree of Researchers
Rongying Zhao, Ruru Chang, and Lan Lu, Wuhan University, People's Republic of China
Seeking Health Information in Wikipedia and Readers’ Satisfaction
Boryung Ju, Louisiana State University, USA; Yoonhyuk Jung, Korea University, South Korea; John Bourgeois, Tufts University, USA
Self-Disclosure in Facebook Groups of Mentally Ill Individuals
Nava Rothschild and Noa Aharony, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Street Art as Visual Information: Mixed Methods Approach to Analyzing Community Spaces
Laura Werthmann Dozal, University of Arizona, USA
Students’ Motivations for not Sharing Rumours During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore
Minying Tan and Alton Y.K. Chua, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Successfully Embedding a Librarian Evidence Request Service in the Electronic Health Record: Development, Implementation, and Outcomes
Elizabeth Tague Frakes, Shawn Steidinger, and Christy Jarvis, University of Utah, USA
Synchronous Design Thinking Workshop with Rural Library Professionals to Envision Future Makerspaces
Soo Hyeon Kim, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Systematic Comparison of Data Models Used in Mapping Knowledge Organization Systems
Yi-Yun Cheng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Teaching with Color: Calling in White Faculty to Address Whiteness in the LIS Curriculum
Sarah De La Rosa, Rachel Simons, and Aaron Elkins, Texas Woman's University, USA
Theory into Practice: Information Behavior in Pre-Service Education for Information Service Roles
Amy VanScoy and Heidi Julien, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA; Alison Harding, University of Maryland, USA
Towards Identifying, Understanding, and Controlling Cumulative Revelations in Social Media
Emma Nicol, Amal Htait, Leif Azzopardi, and Wendy Moncur, University of Strathclyde, UK
Tracing Power in the Archives: A Critical Overview of Archival Literature
Natalia Kovalyova, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Understanding New Yorkers’ Everyday Life Information Seeking Behavior in the Context of Coping with COVID-19
Shuheng Wu, The City University of New York, USA
Understanding the Role of Community Collaboration Within Indigenous Cultural Heritage Data Migrations
Alexandria Rayburn, University of Michigan, USA
Understanding the Temporal Effects on Tweetcussion of COVID-19 Vaccine
Chei Sian Lee, Dion Goh, Han Wei Tan, Han Zheng, and Yin Leng Theng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Usage of SNS Among Underprivileged Entrepreneurs: Effect of Social Capital and Attachment
Sia Wan Qi and Nurul Afiqah, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
What Can Literature Tell Us? Reviewing Literature Reviews on Information Behavior
Xiaoqian Zhang and Joan Bartlett, McGill University, Canada
What Can Our Apprentices Get? A Survey of Recruitment Advertisements of China’s Public Libraries
Jiangfeng Hu, Qian Quan, and Zongyi Du, Wuhan University, People's Republic of China
What Does Channel Say? Understanding How Social Media Social Capital Facilitates Covid-19-Related Information-Seeking and Opinion-Expression on Two Types of Platforms: User-Oriented Versus Content-Oriented
Junwen Hu, Nanjing University, People's Republic of China
Where did They Come From? On Global Mobility of Chinese Returnees
Yingzhen Peng and Wen Lou, East China Normal University, People's Republic of China; Jiangen He, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA; Vincent Larivière, University of Montreal, Canada
Written News Search Engines and Retrieval Systems of the Databases of Spanish Digital Newspapers
Francisco-Javier Muñoz-García, University of Huelva, Spain; María-Ángeles López-Hernández and Rubén Domínguez-Delgado, University of Seville, Spain
XR Accessibility Initiatives in Academic Libraries
Zack Lischer-Katz, University of Arizona, USA; Jasmine Clark, Temple University, USA