Bibliography of the History of ASIS&T
Compiled January, 2019 by Kathryn La Barre, ASIST Curator (klabarre [at] illinois.edu)
Introduction and Purpose:
The publications on this bibliography aim to provide a broad overview of the history and heritage of our association across time and name change from the American Documentation Institute (ADI), the Association for Information Science (ASIS), and American Society for Information Science and Technology, to the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIST). Please send suggestions for inclusion to the ASIST Curator.
Books and Edited Works
ASIS 50th Anniversary Issue (1988). Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 14 (5): 1-68.
Buckland, Michael (1999). The landscape of information science: The American Society for Information Science at 62. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50 (11): 970-974.
Burke, Colin (2008) History of Information Science. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41 (1): 3-53 https://doi.org/10.1002/aris.2007.1440410108
Davis, Charles, H. and Shaw, Debora (2017) American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences. Fourth edition, pp. 90-5. DOI:10.1081/E-ELIS4-120044410
Davis, Charles, H.; Shaw, Debora and Sonnenwald, Diane H. (2014) Association for Information Science and Technology, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition, pp. 1-7. doi:10.1081/E-ELIS3-120051442
Dierking, Angela Lynn (August 1975) History of the American Society of Information Science [Masters Thesis] Texas Women’s University School of Library Science. Unpublished (copy held at ASIST office).
Farkas-Conn, Irene S. (1990). From Documentation to Information Science. The Beginnings and Early Development of the American Documentation Institute – American Society for information Science. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. http://adi-asist.accessinn.com/
Mendes, Luciana Corts (2016). Enhancing lives through information and technology: Watson Davis’s project for information organisation and dissemination, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 53 (1): 1-7.
Redmond, A. D. (1988) American Society for Information Science – History. In Encyclopedia of Microcomputers. Kent, A. and Williams J. (Eds.) New York: Marcel Dekker. Volume 1: 74-94.
Schultz, Claire K. and Paul L. Garwig, Paul L. (1969) History of the American Documentation Institute: A Sketch, American Documentation, 20 (2): 152160. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.4630200207
Schultz, Claire K. (1976) ASIS: Notes on Its Founding and Development, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 2 (8): 49-58.
Varlejs, Jana (1999) The continuing professional education role of ASIS: Fifty years of learning together, reaching out, seeking identity, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50 (11): 1032-1036.
Williams, Robert V. (2012) The changed and changing ADI/ASIS/ASIS&T after 75 years, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 38 (5):32-38.
Williams, R.V. (2015) Claire K. Schultz, 1924–2015, Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 41 (6): 8-11
Windsor, Donald A. (2000). Industrial roots of information science, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50 (12): 1064-1065.