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SIG-USE Student Conference Travel Award 2024

Submissions due August 16, 2024!

We are pleased to announce the call for the SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award 2024! This award aims to provide registration support for up to 20 students to attend the SIG USE Symposium 2024 virtually (please be aware that if granted, this award will support the registration fee waiver of the SIG-USE symposium, thus will not be able to support your travel if you want to attend ASIST conference face-to-face).

To be considered for the SIG USE Student Conference Travel Award, please submit your application via email to the Awards Co-Chairs (please be sure to cc all co-chairs): Hengyi Fu (, Maja Krtalić (, Mehdi Rahmani (, Md. Anwarul Islam (

The deadline for submission is August 16, 2024.

Your application package should include the following:
·    A cover letter expressing your interest in attending the SIG USE Symposium and why you believe you should be awarded the travel support.
·    A 250-word statement describing your research interests, relevant experiences, and how attending the symposium will benefit your academic and professional development.
·    A letter of endorsement from a faculty member who can speak to your qualifications and potential as a student attendee.

We encourage all eligible students to apply!