SIG-STI Officers – Call for Nominations
SIG-STI is calling for nominations/self-nominations for officers for the 2014-2015 term period. Deadline: Monday, September 1, 2014.
- - Chair-elect
- - Secretary /Treasurer
- - Communications Officer
- - Webmaster
Chair-elect (2 year commitment)
The Chair-elect, who automatically becomes Chair in the following year, works closely with the Chair in planning and executing SIG programs and serves as the Alternate SIG Cabinet Representative. The Chair-elect will assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence, resignation or removal from office. In most ASIS&T SIGs, the Chair-elect assumes the primary responsibility for planning the SIG’s programs during the year, including the technical sessions to be presented at the following Annual Meeting. The Chair-elect is also responsible for ensuring that the officers’ roster for the year he/she will serve as Chair is sent to the Cabinet Director and Headquarters immediately following elections.
Secretary/Treasurer (1 year commitment)
These positions are not required by the standard rules and are indicated in the individual operating rules of each SIG. In most SIGs, Secretary/Treasurer is a combined position elected for a one- or two-year term. As a general rule, the Secretary/Treasurer keeps records of all meetings and correspondence to members and assists in making logistical arrangements for SIG meetings and activities. Secretary/Treasurer must also be aware of Society policies regarding SIG finances and expenses, as this officer, in cooperation with the Chair, prepares and submits the SIG’s budget and receives/reviews the SIG’s financial statements.
Communications Officer (1 year commitment)
The Communications Officer carries out one of the most important functions of the SIG -
communicating with members. This officer should be in regular contact with the membership to solicit information for the newsletter, listserv, blog, wiki, Facebook page, or whatever regular communication channel(s) are used by the SIG. The Communications Officer should not only be familiar with the subject area but should also understand the procedures and mechanisms of producing and distributing the newsletter using ASIS&T-owned/sanctioned channels with the assistance of Headquarters. The Communications Officer may delegate some responsibilities to other volunteers, who will constitute the Communications Committee.
Webmaster (1 year commitment)
The Webmaster is responsible for managing the SIG’s website ( This officer should update the site content, create pages, and post announcements as requested by the SIG Committee. Other responsibilities might include the proposal and implementation of new website features, and the management of social media tools in collaboration with the Communications Officer.
Current SIG-STI members (including students) are eligible to nominate, vote for, or serve office. Current officers are eligible to run for re-election in their current positions or in any other open positions.
Please send nominations, including self-nominations, to Hong Huang at by September 1, 2014 and provide the name, professional title, organization, and email address of the candidate along with the title of the SIG-STI office for which the candidate is being nominated.
Candidates will be announced and elected during the SIG-STI Business Meeting that will be held on Monday, November 3, 2014, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. during the 77th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Candidates are encouraged to attend.
Consider applying, and help us turn SIG-STI into a new and vibrant organization.