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The mission of SIG SM is to provide a platform for researchers and professionals interested in social media to connect with one another, discuss research in the field, and share their own work.

We’re currently accepting submissions for 2024 ASIS&T Senior Social Media Researcher Award

Please consider nominating an individual (including yourself) who has a proven track record in conducting Social Media Research for the ASIS&T Senior Social Media Researcher Award. Winner must attend the SIG Social Media Workshop and must be a current member of ASIS&T. ***Non-members are eligible to apply, but the cost of membership will be deducted from the amount of the award

Souvick-SIG-SM Chair

Meet the 2023-24
SIG-SM Team Chair

Souvick Ghosh is the current chair of SIG-SM and an Assistant Professor at the School of Information Science at San Jose State University. His research involves extensive use of techniques and approaches in Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Neural Networks, and Human-Computer Interaction.

Chuanming Yu et al

2023 SIG-SM

Chuanming Yu, Yinxue Ma, Lu An and Gang Li from School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhingnan University of Economics and Law; and School of Information Management, Wuhan University respectively won the 2023 SIG SM award with their paper: "BCMF: A bidirectional cross-modal fusion model for fake news detection

Lingzi-Chair elect SIG_SM

Meet the 2025 Chair-elect

LINGZI HONG is the chair-elect of SIG-SM for 2025 and an Assistant Professor at Department of Information Science at University of North Texas. Her research interests include data science and engineering, urban computing, crisis informatics and data ethics.

[Left: Lingzi-Chair-elect, middle: Souvick-Current chair and right: Catherine: Immediate past chair at the 2023 Annual conference, London]

Miaomia Chen et al

2023 SIG-SM

Miaomiao Chen, Lu An, Gang Li, and Chuanming Yu from Wuhan University and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law respectively were the runners up of the 2023 SIG-SM Research Competition with their paper: Severity assessment and the early warning mechanism of public events based on the comparison of microblogging characteristics


Charles-Webmaster SIG-SM

Meet the Webmaster

Charles Bugre is the webmaster of SIG-SM since 2022 and a PhD candidate at University of Washington Information School. His research interests focus on functional illiteracy and misinformation, adult digital literacy and innovative services in public libraries.

Han Zheng et al

2023 SIG-SM

Han Zheng, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Edmund Wei Jian Lee, Chei Sian Lee, and Yin-Leng Theng from Nanyang Technological University won the honorable mention for the 2023 SIG-SM research competition with their paper: Understanding the effects of message cues on COVID-19 information sharing on Twitter


Adam Joinson

2023 SIG-SM

Adam Joinson is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Bath. He conducts inter-disciplinary research on the interaction between human behavior and technology, with specific foci on issues of how the design of systems influences behavior ranging from privacy and self-disclosure, cyber-security, social relations and patterns of influence. As the guest speaker at the 2023 SIG SM workshop at London he talked on: Theorizing Social Media: Past, Present, and Future(s)

In the picture is Adam from left with some SIG-SM students who won the SIG-SM funding to attend the workshop. Adam donated his honorarium to increase the number of students seeking funding to attend the workshop


Catherine Dumas


Catherine Dumas is the immediate SIG-SM Chair from University at Albany, State University of New York. Her research is motivated by data generated by platforms potentially used for online collective action or digital activism, in particular, electronic petitioning. Currently, she is studying user behavior and interactions on next-gen social VR platforms and making sense of group interaction in VR in the context of next generation e-Participation initiatives.


About Our SIG

The mission of SIG SM is to provide a platform for researchers and professionals interested in social media to connect with one another, discuss research in the field, and share their own work. SIG SM aims to cover a wide range of social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouNow) and a wide range of methodological (e.g. case studies, content analysis, user behavior) and theoretical perspectives (e.g. personal behavior theories, social behavior theories and mass communication theories). We welcome all of those interested in social media research to join our SIG.

If you are already an ASIS&T member and wish to become a member of SIG-SM, just select us in the InfoHub. See below for information on how to join ASIS&T, please see below.

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SIG SM Digest

Curious about previous news shared by our SIG SM members? Here you can find more about the research that our SIG SM members are doing.

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Member Spotlight

Welcome to our SIG Social Media Member Spotlight Series! On this site we will introduce the members of SIG SM and their research interests. If you would like to by feautred do not hestitate to contact any of our board members!

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How to Join

To be a member, one first needs to be a member of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). When completing the Membership Application Form, select the special interest group (SIG) of your choice.

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