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SIG News, May 2024

Arts and Humanities SIG LogoSIG-AH (Arts & Humanities)

It's finally here, the 2024 SIG-AH member surveySIG-AH Member Survey.  Please complete this asap so that we can continue to work on revitalizing this SIG. What research topics should we cover? Would you like to see a summer symposium? A social event? Something else? Please share it on the survey!

On June 27, please register for our webinar, Research Methods at the Intersection of VIS and AH, co-created with SIG-AH. Please share with your colleagues in ASIS&T and beyond; a small registration fee is required for non-members of ASIS&T.

Finally, SIG-AH needs YOU. As you know, each year the ASIS&T bylaws state that new officers must be elected, and that the Chair cannot serve for more than one year. With just one or two more active officers, we would have the potential to sustain our momentum and grow! Would you please consider joining me as Chair to keep this work going? This will only require 2-3 meetings before the annual conference, and meetings will last no more than 1 hour. Please email Kate McDowell at to express your interest. Even one additional person would help us to ensure that we could sustain our SIG!

SIG-AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Congratulations to Alicia Takaoka (from Norwegian University of Science and technology (NTNU), Norway) who was awarded best presentation for our Research Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Early Career Researchers and PhD Students on 25 March.

Her talk was entitled: "Design, Creation, and Participation: How to include people for a more ethical design process."

SIG-CMR (Classification & Metadata Research)

SIG CMR is pleased to announce our new Student Membership Awards.

These awards will afford masters and doctoral students in library and information science programs around the world a free one-year membership in ASIS&T, as well as membership in SIG CMR. The memberships will begin on July 1, 2024 and run for one year, and are only available to those who are new to ASIS&T.

Applications are due June 3, 2024. For further information, requirements, and how to apply, please visit:

Please pass this message along to any students you know who may not be members of ASIS&T yet.

SIG-DL (Digital Libraries)

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Digital Libraries (SIG-DL) invites researchers and practitioners to submit their published papers for the SIG-DL 2024 Best Paper awards. We welcome submissions in the following areas, but not limited to:

- Copyright issues in digital libraries

- Networked infrastructures for digital libraries

- Interoperability of distributed databases in digital libraries

- Database management policies and standards in relation to the digitization of material

- Metadata preservation in digital libraries

- Providing electronic access and authentication in digital libraries

- Software, hardware, and peopleware for digital libraries

- Project management in digital library initiatives

- Digital heritage

- Generative AI, Large Language Models, and Digital Libraries

- Medical Library

- Health Library

- Children's Library

Submissions should present innovative research, practical approaches, or case studies in the related areas. Authors are welcome to submit their previously published journal or conference articles, provided that the articles were published (including online-first) between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2023. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary work and contributions that address emerging challenges in the field of digital libraries. It is required that at least one author must be a current member of SIG-DL at the time of receiving the award (Note that any member of ASIS&T may become a member of the SIG-DL at any time).

Important Dates:

- Paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2024

- We will notify award winners via email in July 2024

Submission Guidelines:

- Papers should be submitted electronically through the online submission system

- If the applicants are unable to access the above Google form, they can also directly email to giving the title, author, abstract, and full-text of the paper with the subject line "SIG-DL 2024 Award Submission".

SIG-IEP (Information Ethics & Policy)

The SIG-IEP 2024 Mid-Year newsletter is available here.

SIG-III (International Information Issues)

Best Volunteer Award
We are pleased to announce the call for the SIG-III Best Volunteer award is open. Please nominate yourself or your colleagues for this prestige award! Deadline 26th May.

The individual should be a member of SIG-III.
The individual should not hold any officer position within SIG-III.
The SIG-III member who makes the most noteworthy contribution to SIG-III in the last year (i.e., October of the past year through September of the current year) will be considered for this award.
The individual should organize or co-organize at least one regional, national, or international initiative or event that directly creates value for SIG-III members.
The individual should not be the winner of this award for the last three years.

Process of submitting nominations
Any SIG-III member can nominate candidates for the award. Self-nominations are allowed.
Please submit the proof of the nominee's contributions to SIG-III in the last year. You can submit the link to the website, announcements of events/initiatives on social media, photos of the events or initiatives, or testimonials of direct beneficiaries of your efforts.
Describe in detail how the nominee contributed to the SIG-III event(s) or initiative(s) (minimum 50 words).
Explain the nature of value or impact created by your initiative(s) or event(s) for SIG-III members (minimum 50 words).

Please contact  if you have any questions about the award!
See more information here! Apply for the award here.


Call for Stories for Upcoming Newsletter
We would like to feature some SIG-III stories in the next newsletter. Has being part of SIG-III helped you achieve any personal or professional goals? Have SIG-III initiatives supported you in advancing your career? Have SIG-III events introduced you to new practices, new resources, or new colleagues?

If you have a SIG-III experience or achievement that you would like to share with other members, you can submit it using the link at the bottom of our SIG-III newsletter page. The deadline for submissions to the summer newsletter issue is Thursday 30 May. 

We look forward to hearing your SIG-III story!