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ARIST 2024

ARIST1 Cover

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Understanding data culture/s: Influences, activities, and initiatives. Gillian Oliver | Jocelyn Cranefield | Spencer Lilley | Matthew J. Lewellen

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Factors associating with or predicting more cited or higher quality journal articles. Kayvan Kousha | Mike Thelwall

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Reviews and Reviewing: Approaches to Research Synthesis. Linda C. Smith

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Information science and the inevitable: A literature review at the intersection of death and information management:. Jesse David Dinneen | Maja Krtalic | Nilou Davoudi | Helene Hellmich | Catharina Ochsner | Paulina Bressel

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Value co-creation in cultural heritage information practices: Literature review and future agenda. Yuxiang Chris Zhao | Jingwen Lian | Yan Zhang | Shijie Song | Xinlin Yao

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Phenomenon-based classification:. Claudio Gnoli | Richard P. Smiraglia | Rick Szostak

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Socio-technical issues in the platform-mediated gig economy: A systematic literature review. Meredith Dedema | Howard Rosenbaum