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How Can Public Libraries Create Value for Rural Communities in Developing Countries?

(Hosted joint Webinar by SIG-III and Iran Public Libraries Association)


Please join us for the joint webinar by SIG-III and Iran Public Libraries Association "How Can Public Libraries Create Value for Rural Communities in Developing Countries?" on 22nd November at 9:30 am EST

Webinar meeting link: you can click the link and join as a guest. Registration is not required for this webinar.

Webinar Description

Webinar attendees will primarily learn the (a) key ways in which public libraries create value for rural communities in developing countries and (b) lessons from the best practices of these libraries. If library administrators and librarians in Iran reflect upon, contextualize, and adopt these lessons, they can serve their stakeholders more effectively and efficiently.


Dr. Devendra Potnis, Professor, Inclusion Lab, School of Information Sciences, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA