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Strategic Planning Update, March 2025

Maria Bonn, President-Elect

The strategic planning process for ASIS&T is well underway. As president-elect, I am leading the process to plan for three years ahead. Our goal is to launch the plan at the annual meeting in 2025. The plan will determine priorities and guide the association through 2028.

In the past, strategic plans have covered five years. Our committed and talented members work hard on behalf of the association, and we’ve been wrapping up our plans well before those years ended. And, as we all know, the world changes rapidly and a shorter plan will give us more agility in considering those changes and the information needs they present.

At the 2024 meeting in Calgary, the governing board brainstormed together about goals for the organization and members we might invite to serve on the planning task force. I was just beginning as president-elect and gently pressed those members to sign on for planning. I was delighted that everyone accepted, and we have a truly international and intellectually diverse group at work. We meet about once a month and are now moving from setting goals to defining objectives and setting tactics. In this effort, we’ve been fortunate to have the help of many of the committees as well as individual members who we buttonhole over coffee and in hallways as we try to understand their goals and the way in which a strategic plan might help achieve those goals.

A draft plan will be shared with the board of directors at its April retreat in Glasgow, Scotland. Following that and pending revisions suggested by the board, the plan will be shared with the membership and open for public comment. When we’ve considered and acted upon your suggestions and feedback, we’ll launch the plan at the annual meeting and get to work!

While there may be some changes in wording and shifts in focus, the task force has worked together on setting five primary goals:

GOAL 1: Grow and engage the ASIS&T Membership

GOAL 2: Strengthen and sustain ASIS&T Publications

GOAL 3: Expand the ASIS&T educational and professional development offerings to reach a wider audience

GOAL 4: Expand services to support the pedagogical endeavors of the ASIS&T membership.

GOAL 5: Position ASIS&T and its members as a leading voice in information science through collaboration with affiliate and allied organizations.

We’re eager to hear our members' thoughts. Please reach out if you would like to share some!

ASIS&T Strategic Planning Task Force:

Maria Bonn, Chair
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Jennifer Campbell-Meier
Victoria University of Wellington

Lorcan Dempsey
University of Washington

Jesse Dinneen
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Devon Greyson
University of British Columbia

Md. Anwarul Islam
University of Dhaka

Sanghee Oh
Sungkyunkwan University

Jaya Raju
University of Cape Town

Lydia Middleton