SIG SM Competition Award Recipients 2023
Purpose of the Award
This award is a lifetime achievement award that recognizes sustained contributions to and/or achievements in the field of information science and/or the professions in which it is practiced. Such contributions may include 1) scholarly contributions to the advancement of our field, such as the expression of new ideas, the creation of new technologies, the development of better techniques, or substantial research efforts which have led to further development of thought or devices or applications, or 2) other outstanding contributions to the field/profession of information science, as evidenced by successful efforts in the educational, social, or political processes affecting the profession.
The Special Interest Group for Social Media (SIG SM) is delighted to announce the winners of the 2022 ASIS&T SIG SM Awards.
Best Paper
- BCMF: A bidirectional cross-modal fusion model for fake news detection
Chuanming Yu, Yinxue Ma, Lu An , Gang Li
Runner up
- Severity assessment and the early warning mechanism of public events based on the comparison of microblogging characteristics
Miaomiao Chen, Lu An, Gang Li, Chuanming Yu
Honorable Mention
- Understanding the effects of message cues on COVID-19 information sharing on Twitter
Han Zheng, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Edmund Wei Jian Lee, Chei Sian Lee, Yin-Leng Theng
We had several excellent nominations this year. Each nominated paper received three reviews from social media scholars. Evaluation criteria were based on contribution to the social media field, professional merit, and presentation quality. The award jury selected three papers, including the winner ($200), runner-up ($150), and honorable mention ($100). We would especially like to thank all of our paper reviewers for their support of SIG SM: we could not ensure such a high quality of review without their help.
Winners were presented with an award certificate and the accompanying gift card at the SIG Social Media Workshop on October 28, 2023, in London, United Kingdom. Read more on the Full-Day Workshop on Social Media Research, Challenges, and Opportunities