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President’s Column, September 2024

“As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” 

- Antoine de Saint Exupery (1900-1944) 


Autumn brings the fruition of our hard work over the past several months.  I’d like thank our ASIS&T team led by Lydia Middleton for progressing the work of the Association and for all of their preparation for our Annual Meeting in Calgary this autumn.  The AM will be a successful, informative, and inspiring event because of their dedication to the Association.   

There are also many others to thank, including our Board, our programme committee, and especially our individual members and groups who have championed the work of SIGs and Chapters this year.  The contributions that each of you makes enables the ongoing good work of our Association. 

Our work is ongoing, with a number of events upcoming in our Association diary … it’s time to mark your calendars! 

DCMI 2024 will run from October 20-23rd. This is the 22nd International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, which will focus on the theme of Trust, Transformation, and Humanity. Exploring the Intersection of Metadata.  

There is still time to register for our event of the year! We are ready to welcome you to the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Calgary, Canada, October 25th-29th. As ever, our AM offers a chance to meet and network with new and continuing members, to hear about new research, and to plan ahead with our SIGs and Chapters. There will also be workshops, our half day doctoral colloquium, and job seeking opportunities.  

I look forward to seeing you all there! 

