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Governance Update, September 2024

The Board of Directors met on July 29, 2024 via Zoom. In attendance were; Crystal Fulton, PhD (President); Ian Ruthven, PhD (President-Elect); Abebe Rorissa, PhD (Past-President); Chris Cunningham, PhD, (Treasurer); Joan Bartlett, PhD; Maria Bonn, PhD; Tina Du, PhD; Bhakti Gala, PhD; Lisa Hussey, PhD; Aylen Imeri, PhD; Luanne Sinnamon, PhD; and Lydia Middleton, MBA, CAE (Executive Director)

1.       AMC Decision

The Board discussed the pros and cons of moving forward with an Association Management Company and voted in favor of this motion: To authorize the Executive Committee to select and contract with an Association Management Company for the future staffing needs of the Association.

2.       Editor Renewals

The Board reviewed the Information Matters editor's report and approved the following motion: To renew Chirag Shah as Editor of Information Matters through June 30 of 2027.

3.       SIG Changes

The board approved the following motion: To rename SIG-DL to SIG-LIB with an expanded mission as per the above.
The board approved the following motion:  To merge SIG-ED and SIG-InfoLearn into a new SIG-EDULearn.

4.      Guidance to the Governance Committee

The board approved the following motion: To direct the Governance Committee to undertake a Bylaws revision that allows for a single slate non-contested election process.

5.      Consent Agenda

The board approved the consent agenda:

    • Minutes of April 2024 Meeting
    • FY24 YE Financial Statements
    • Merrill Lynch Statement 6/24
    • FY2024 Membership Rpt

Next Board Meeting

The Board's next meeting is:
October 26, 2024
Hyatt Regency Calgary