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SIG News, July 2024


ASIS&T has extended its call for volunteers for SIG Chairs-Elect. We are seeking candidates to run for the Chair-Elect position of every SIG. The term will begin at Annual Meeting, and the Chair-Elect will automatically become Chair at AM25 and Immediate Past Chair at AM26. For more information on this responsibility, please see the SIG Officers' Manual. If you are interested in running for Chair-Elect of your favorite SIG, please email Lydia Middleton at not later than August 5.

SIG-AI (Artificial Intelligence)

We are pleased to announce a call for contributions to the upcoming workshop on integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into Library and Information Science (LIS). This half-day workshop aims to enhance the LIS community's engagement with LLMs such as ChatGPT, LLaMA, BERT, and other advanced AI technologies. The workshop seeks to foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, educators, and students, and to develop evidence-based strategies for integrating LLMs into LIS research, practice, and education.

The workshop will focus on the three thematic areas: (a) LLMs in LIS research, (b) LLMs in LIS practice, and (c) LLMs in LIS education. All relevant topics are welcome.

Call for Participation. We invite authors to submit an extended abstract (maximum 500 words, excluding references) outlining their perspectives on responsible uses of LLMs in the listed thematic areas or other relevant topics.

  • Paper Presentations: Four abstracts will be selected for 15-minute presentations.
  • Lightning Talks: Eight abstracts will be selected for 5-minute lightning talks.
    All accepted abstracts will be included in the workshop report. All participants are welcome to register and attend the workshop.

Submission Guidelines. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure your submission is properly processed.
Submission Deadline: July 21th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: July 31th, 2024
ASIS&T early registration deadline: August 5, 2024
Submission Format: Extended abstract (500 words max, excluding references)
Submission file name: Please select the presentation format in the submission form for long presentation (15-min) or short presentation (5-min)

Submit your

Awards. Three awards will be offered to the presenters.
•    Student Travel Award. A student award will cover workshop registration fees and provide $1000 in travel support.
•    Best Paper Award. This award will be presented to the best among the long presentations.
•    Best Presentation Award. This award will be given to one of the best short presentations among the lightning talks.

SIG-IEP (Information Ethics & Policy)

It is our pleasure to announce that the winner of the ASIS&T SIG-IEP Inaugural Student Engagement Award Recipient is Jiaying (Lizzy) Liu, Doctoral student, School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin. Lizzy explores how the social, cultural, technical, and identity-related factors collectively shape people's online and offline experiences and help-seeking behaviors around emotional well-being and mental health. She uses both in-depth ethnographic and large-scale computational methods to investigate how people navigate the socio-technical ecosystem of mental health resources and how people leverage multimodal technologies (e.g., videos, virtual reality, robots) for emotional support and community building. Lizzy's research contributes to care-centered digital technologies and human infrastructure/policy design. Her work has been recognized in prestigious venues, including iConference 2021 (Best Poster nomination), CHIIR 2023, JASIS&T 2023, ASIST-AP 2024, HRI 2024, and CSCW 2024.

SIG-III (International Information Issues)

ASIS&T SIG III, IFLA New Professionals SIG, and UNT ASIS&T Student Chapter invite you to a free joint panel on How to Land a Job - Tips from Search Committee Members on 6th August at  12:00 pm EDT.

Join our free webinar and hear from two experienced search committee members who have hired librarians and faculty. You will learn about what hiring managers look for in CVs/resumes and interviews and how you can stand out from other candidates.

The presenters will be Derek Halling, Associate University Librarian, Texas A&M University Libraries, USA and Dr. Naresh Agarwal, Professor and Director of the Information Science & Technology Concentration, School of Library and Information Science, Simmons University, USA

Register here.


SIG-MET (Metrics) and SIG-STI (Scientific and Technical Information)

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Metrics (SIG/MET) and the ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Scientific and Technical Information (SIG STI) invites contributions to the METSTI 2024: Workshop on Informetric, Scientometric and Scientific and Technical Information Research.

Deadline for submission: 23 August 2024 [anywhere on earth time]
Acceptance decision: 20 September 2024
Workshop: from mid-November, 2024, to be held online

More information on the abstracts, including examples of content areas and submission guidelines, is available here.

SIG-SI (Social Informatics)

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Social Informatics (SIG-SI) invites submissions for its 20th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: "Exploring Social Informatics in the Algorithmic Environment," to be held on October 23-24, 2024, prior to the ASIS&T Annual Meeting . This workshop aims to gather researchers, industry practitioners, policymakers, and community leaders to discuss the technical, ethical, and social implications of AI, large language models, AI-generated content, and social media algorithms. We welcome full and short paper submissions addressing topics such as the role of algorithms in shaping social behaviors, human-AI interaction, theoretical and methodological approaches in social informatics, and global comparative studies on algorithmic cultures. Submissions are due by July 31, 2024. Acceptance of the submissions will be announced by August 15, 2024. Please submit your abstract via Please make sure to include all author information, title, and keywords in the email. More information can be found here.

Call for Nominations for SIG-SI Annual Awards: Best Paper Award, and the Emerging Social Informatics Researchers Award (Closing Date Extended to 31st of July 2024) Best Paper: Open to researchers at all career stages, including students, early-career researchers, and established scholars. This award celebrates a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding paper published in 2023. The recipient(s) will be honored with a $100 cash prize and an invitation to present their work at the ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting. Emerging Social Informatics Researchers: Dedicated to up to two students focusing on social informatics research. Preference is given to lead authors of peer-reviewed works. Winners will receive ASIS&T Annual Meeting registration support and the chance to showcase their projects at the ASIS&T 2024 Annual Meeting. More information is available in the SIG-SI newsletter.

SIG-SM (Social Media)

SIG-SM is happy to announce that we will be having a SIG SM Senior Social Media Researcher Award this year. Please consider nominating an individual (including yourself) who has a proven track record in conducting Social Media Research for the ASIS&T Senior Social Media Researcher Award. ***Winner must attend the SIG Social Media Workshop at the Annual Meeting in Calgary (we will be reimbursed the $130 registration fee for the workshop) & must be a current member of ASIS&T. Deadline to nominate is 10/1/2024. Here is the nomination form.