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Greyson & McKay to Receive 2024 Lois Lunin Award

Devon Greyson

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is delighted to announce that Devon Greyson of the University of British Columbia and Dana McKay of RMIT will both receive the 2024 Lois Lunin Award. The award recognizes individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the practice of Information Science and Technology through leadership, mentoring, and innovation in the creation or application of new ideas, techniques, processes or technologies. While the award is usually given to a single individual, the jury felt that both Greyson and McKay were equally deserving of the award this year.

In nominating themself for the award, Devon Greyson wrote, “I never had the pleasure of knowing Lois Lunin, but after reading Sam Hastings’ tribute to her, published in The Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology after Lunin passed away a decade ago, I wish I had. Although I am neither a gifted artist nor dancer, I relate to her as a fellow health information scientist, mentor to emerging scholars, and gender equity advocate. Like Lois Lunin, I am committed to leadership, mentoring, and innovation within and beyond the fields of LIS and medical informatics. I believe my record of leadership, mentorship, and applied research innovation communicates this sustained commitment to furthering the profession.”

Dana McKay

George Buchanan, who nominated Dana McKay, wrote, “Dr. McKay would be an ideal recipient of the Lois Lunin Award, as she encapsulates the values that are central to the honour. She, like Lois, is active both as a researcher and as an advocate for the practice of information science in the world. Dana is similarly a tireless professional who has achieved significant impacts not only for herself, but through developing the professional abilities of others.

Upon learning of their selection as winner of the 2024 Lois Lunin Award, Greyson responded, " I am honored to be a recipient of ASIS&T’s Lois Lunin Award. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Lois, I endeavor to carry on her legacy of applying information science insights to health information systems, advocating for gender equity, and mentoring emerging scholars."

Upon learning of her selection, McKay said, “It is a particular honour to receive the Lois Lunin Award, which reflects contributions made over my whole career, rather than just the academic or professional half. It was only 2018 when I attended my first annual meeting as a doctoral colloquium participant, and it is lovely to be part of such a welcoming, supportive community.”

Greyson and McKay will receive their award during the 2024 meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) which will be held 25-29 October, 2024 in Calgary, AB Canada.