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2024 Board Elections

In accordance with the ASIS&T Bylaws, each Professional, Retired, Student, Lifetime, and Institutional Member shall be entitled to one vote on the Board of Directors Ballot. Should you prefer to vote by mail, please send an email to to request a paper ballot. Paper ballots must be returned to the ASIS&T office not later than June 18, 2024. The electronic election will remain open until 9 am EDT on June 19, 2024.

Each current active member will be sent an election ballot via email at 11 am on Monday, May 20th from ASIS&T via ElectionBuddy. If you have not received a ballot, please check your spam filter or search your email for "electionbuddy". If you cannot find the email, please contact Lydia Middleton to request it be resent.

The ASIS&T Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominees.

Explanation of Slates
Please note that, per the ASIS&T Bylaws, the Nominating Committee may present only one candidate for a position if the Committee as a whole deems that two suitable and willing candidates cannot be identified. For the 2024 election, there was only one nomination to the President-Elect position. The Nominations committee subsequently invited several prospective candidates but all declined.

For the second Director-at-Large slate, the Board directed the Nominations Committee to split the slate in order to ensure that one Director-at-Large seat be filled by a practicing information scientist (as opposed to a member whose primary role is teaching and research). This was done to ensure adequate representation of all ASIS&T members. Again there was only one nomination that met this criteria and, again, the Nominations Committee sought additional candidates without success.

While it is always the Nominations Committees intent to present two names for each available Board seat, in order to ensure a Board composition that adequately reflects our current and hoped for future membership distribution, the Board felt this was an appropriate set of slates for this year.