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Member News, May 2024

ASIS&T would like to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of members. Please share with us news of your tenure, promotion, doctoral defense, job change, publication and/or grant receipt. We will recognize these accomplishments in each issue of Inside ASIS&T.
Please complete this form to let us know what you've done!

Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic, PhD, MLIS

On Monday, April 8th, Laureen successfully defended her Information Science dissertation with the University at Buffalo. Her dissertation, titled "How Public Services-Focused Academic Librarians Engage in Caring Labor: A Mixed-Methods Study and Proposed Theory of Coactive Caring," focused on the experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and mindsets of academic librarians engaged in public services work and encouraged the development of a "theory of coactive caring" for their reference and instructional services work.

Laureen also recently served as editor for and authored/co-authored several chapters within the new book Intersections in Healing Academic Libraries and the Health Humanities (Rowman & Littlefield, April 2024). Librarians serve an important role in the development of healthcare professionals through their work in educational and/or healthcare settings, helping train others in the goals of the curriculum and in lifelong learning-related habits of mind. This book offers librarians an opportunity to learn about and develop approaches to the health humanities, for their benefit and the benefit of their constituents and stakeholders, as well as for impacting the future healthcare professionals of our global community. (30% off code: RLFANDF30)

Devon Greyson, PhD, MLIS

Devon Greyson, PhD, MLIS was recently awarded one of 12 Applied Public Health Chairs announced by the Government of Canada. This award will support Devon's program of research applying information science to address public health misinformation as well as a new mentorship program for information scientists interested in working in public health. 

See more information about the announcement.