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From Your Executive Director, May 2024


Hello everybody Greetings from ASIS&T I'm Lydia Middleton your Executive Director and I am happy to give you an update on all the things that are coming up in the next few weeks of ASIS&T It's a busy, busy time for us We're hitting a lot of deadlines right now so I wanted to make sure that you all were aware of those deadlines and have every opportunity to take advantage of the things that are coming along So I'm going to go in chronological order here and tell you that on Monday May 20th, we're going to open up the election For the Board of Directors we will be running three separate slates one for president-elect one for Board member at large and then a second one for Board member at large that is targeted to ensure that we have a practitioner member on our Board of Directors I want to remind you that a couple of years ago we amended our bylaws to allow the nominations committee to put forward at least one name for every slot, but there was no longer a requirement that we put forward two names for every slot And the distinction being that if we cannot identify 2 willing able and qualified candidates for a slot then the nominations committee can make the decision to put forward only one name So I'm going to let you know now the election won't come out till Monday but I'm telling you now we're only putting forward one candidate for president-elect and one candidate for one of those two slots for the member at large slates So I won't tell you who they are until that comes out on Monday, but Rest assured that the Nominations Committee made every effort to find a second candidate for both of those slots, but felt that we were comfortable putting forward a slate with only one candidate in those two places because they were We were only able to identify one person willing able, and capable of taking on that role Others were invited Others were specifically asked to serve in both the president-elect role and Practitioner Role on the board but no other people came forward So we're very happy with the people that the nominations committee is putting forward We hope you will be as well So again, there will be 3 separate things that you vote for a president-elect and then two board members at large on two separate slaves So if you have any questions about that I know it's confusing but please feel free to come to me I'm happy to answer any questions about the rationale behind that decision But that will go out Monday morning probably about 10:00 AM Eastern Time So please be on the lookout for that and be prepared to vote You'll have 30 days to vote so there's no dire rush But we want to make sure that everybody gets that e-mail and has the opportunity to vote Be on the lookout for an e-mail from something called Election Buddy That's where it will come from So elections starting May 20th. The next thing on our agenda is the IDEA Institute as I mentioned in my last Video The Idea Institute is a four day set Over the course of four days a set of 16 modules on Artificial Intelligence AI that are really intended to be skills building in addition to informative So we're really excited about this Please visit our website Under the events tab you'll find more information about the Idea Institute You can take one module you can take all 16, you can take any number of them People that take at least 8 modules will receive a certificate in AI from ASIS&T So please do consider taking advantage of that Members get a deep discount on that so we encourage you to Participate in that if you are able The 29th of May is the deadline for submission of posters for the annual meeting We've had a really great rate of submission for panels and alternative events and papers So we're really excited that we're going to have a very big and robust annual meeting again this year So we encourage anybody that's interested to submit a poster for the meeting We will be coming out with the decisions around papers in the next several days So if your paper was not accepted as a paper consider resubmitting it shortening it and resubmitting it as a poster We really want to create every opportunity we can for people to attend the meeting whenever we can May 31st is the deadline for the Pratt Severn Student Paper Award I want to remind you this is for master's students So if you have a master's program in your university and a master's students who are writing papers towards the end of their curriculum please encourage your students to submit that paper for the Pratt Severn Award That deadline is staying up until May 31st Information again on our website under awards for that Coming June 3rd we're going to open the Call for Volunteers and that Call for Volunteers will be looking for volunteers for the ASIS&T committees as well as chair elect volunteers for chapters and special interest groups So if you have an interest in any of that please be on the lookout for that You will go into I Connect and log into Iconnect You'll see the volunteer opportunities and that's where you can submit your name if you're interested in any of those opportunities You have to have been a member of ASIS&T for at least a year to be a chapter or a SIG leader and a little bit longer than that probably to be on a committee But look at the opportunities We really want to encourage our members to get more engaged and be a part of the association through giving back and giving service to the organization We really appreciate that very much In other news, I think many of you already know this Kim Granados who has been a tremendously valuable member of our team For about the last year and a half at ASIS&T received a an offer she could not refuse and so she has left ASIS&T sadly and has gone on to other pastures I won't say greener but other pastures So we're going to miss her very much but are happy and excited for her Most of what she's been doing I will take back over, so if you have anything that you might otherwise send to Kim please send that along to me and I will either handle it or parse it out to where it needs to go One of the things Kim worked very hard on was the awards program So that is coming to fruition now We have selected several of the award winners and several more will be selected and announced in the next few days So be prepared for that We're hoping to get the announcement of the award winners at the very beginning of June if not sooner than that hopefully a little bit sooner than that And finally, of course the annual meeting is our biggest thing coming down the Pike The meeting itself is not until October but there's so much that goes into it before then so If you have any questions about annual meeting Kathy Nash is your direct contact there We will once again be doing a Career Center at the annual meeting So we are having opportunities for organizations that are hiring to submit job announcements to us which we will make known on our website And then we're inviting candidates who are interested in interviewing for physicians to send us their CVS and we will try and make a love connection between The folks that want to interview and the folks that want to be interviewed and host interviews at the annual meeting If an institution is an affiliate member of ASIS&T they can access that interview space for free There is going to be a cost for institutions that are not affiliate members of ASIS&T but more information will be coming about that soon There is information on the website right now if you want to start submitting your CV or your job posting, but we will be announcing more about that as we go forward So those are some things that we're working on right now, busy busy time at ASIS&T but we are always happy to stop and chat with you and answer any questions you may have So do watch your e-mail in the next couple of weeks A lot of things going on a lot of deadlines coming up particularly make sure you get a chance to vote in the election and think about joining the Idea Institute as a fabulous opportunity And so with that I will bid you farewell and wish you a happy Moving into summer or winter depending on where you are And please again reach out to me if there's anything at all we can do for you Thanks very much Bye, bye