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SIG News, July 2023

 SIG-AH (Arts and Humanities)

"Exploring Collaborative Interpretive Practice" workshop sponsored by SIG-AH and SIG-USE [check the online CFP for updates on submissions and pre-workshop activities!]

A workshop co-located with ASIS&T 2023, Saturday, 28 October, 2023, London, UK

Collaboration on the interpretation and analysis of texts, images, artifacts, qualitative data, and other recorded information is fundamental to knowledge production in many disciplines. However, collaborators may have different goals, work routines, research paradigms and methodologies, background knowledge, and more. In this workshop, we aim to engage in collective exploration of how collaborative interpretation happens and brainstorm together on ways to develop knowledge infrastructures to support it. Each of us brings our own perspective to interpretation, which shapes our work in various ways. How do we ensure that everyone has a voice and is able to take an active part in the research?

This workshop is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in digital humanities, cultural heritage, and information science, including librarians, archivists, curators, and teachers, to share experiences and ideas about collaborative interpretation, engage in activities to stimulate our thinking, and emerge with takeaways we can incorporate into our own research. We may also form new collaborative relationships.


Register for the workshop here:

In addition, consider doing the following:

Submit a challenge paper or poster here (please use the AM23 Proposal Template):

Challenge papers (4 pages max. not including references): Introduce an important challenge in collaborative interpretation. Present examples from your own or others' work, points to consider, potential solutions, etc.

Posters (2 pages max. not including references): Introduce research you are doing or would like to do involving collaborative interpretation. Preliminary results are not required; raise ideas you would like to receive feedback on!

Participate in pre-workshop interpretive activities (Aug. 15 - Sept. 14, 2023):

Collaborate with others to explore the Svoboda diaries and engage in collaborative interpretation. Following these activities, workshop scholarships will be awarded. [Stay tuned for participation URL]


Paper and Poster Deadlines

Submissions due: August 15, 2023

Notifications: September 15, 2023

Pre-workshop Collaborative Interpretation Activity

Participation begins: August 15, 2023

Workshop scholarships announced: October 1, 2023


Best paper award: $200. Sponsored by SIG Information Needs, Seeking, and Use (SIG USE)

Best poster award: $200. Sponsored by SIG Arts & Humanities (SIG AH)

Participation Scholarships: Free registration for 4 workshop attendees based on pre-workshop participation!

SIG-AI (Artificial Intelligence)

SIG-AI is issuing a call for papers for one of the two streams in the following workshop at the Annual Meeting in London: LIS Perspectives On AI and Designing Human-Centred AI for LIS

This half-day workshop strengthens the AI community within ASIS&T by bringing together researchers, educators, students, and practitioners interested in the responsible use of AI and in conducting research on AI from LIS perspectives. The workshop has two streams. The first seeks to bring together all researchers studying the uses of AI in everyday life and work, and of designing, implementing and evaluating AI applications in the context of library and information environments. The second stream seeks to identify and highlight the unique value and contribution that information science can bring to Human-centred AI (HAI), and utilize ASIS&T, which is the best scholarly communication platform for information science, as the venue to conduct, share, and record the knowledge exchange between information science and HAI. Through the World Café method of rotating break out sessions and plenary discussion, participants will come together to identify common research questions and opportunities for collaboration.

If you would like to participate please submit your paper proposal @ ASIS&T Annual Meeting: AI workshop proposals by July 31, 2023.

SIG-HFIS (History and Foundations of Information Science)

SIG-HFIS has selected the Bob Williams Award winners (paper award and research grant award). Please contact Kimberly to get more details.

SIG-III (International Information Issues)

The SIG-III Summer newsletter is available here.

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for International Information Issues (SIG-III), InfoShare Committee is pleased to announce the winners of the InfoShare Award for 2023. These will be really a great addition to ASIS&T and SIG-III family. These awardees have been selected after an extensive selection process. The "InfoShare Award for 2023" winners are:

Adeoye, Azeez Adebamgbola, Senior Librarian, Federal University of Health Sciences, Ila-Orangun, Ibadan, Nigeria

Elçin Ziya, Section Editor, Journal of Information Management, Ankara - Türkiye

Khadije Moradi, Researcher, Judiciary of Iran, Tehran - Iran

Massoomeh Niknia, Archivist, Iranian Grid Management Company, Tehran, Iran

Mehdi Rahmani, Lecturer, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Allame Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran

Nasira Munir, Assistant Librarian, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore - Pakistan

Nooruddin Merchant, Directror Libraries, Habib University, Karachi, Karachi – Pakistan

Shammasu Musa Dantsoho, Federal University Dutsin-ma katsina State, Lafia - Nigeria

Sima Esmaeilzad Hojbi, Manager Library, School of Dentistry, Library; Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz - Iran

Victoria Sokari, Senior Librarian, Bayero University Kano, Kano, Nigeria

Congratulations to all awardees, and a very warm welcome to the ASIS&T family!

SIG-MET (Metrics)

METSTI: 2023 Workshop on Informetric, Scientometric, and Scientific and Technical Information Research 

Workshop sponsored by ASIS&T SIG/MET and SIG STI
ASIS&T 2023 Annual Meeting

Friday, October 27, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (BST), London, UK

Prof. Dr. Mike Thelwall (University of Sheffield)

Submission types:
Research presentation | Poster | Tutorial | Panel

Deadline for submission of two-pages extended abstract:
July 23, 2023 [anywhere on Earth time]

Full CfA:

SIG-SI (Social Informatics)

Call for Participation

The 19th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: Turning Social Informatics Research into Action in a Changing Moment  

Half-Day Pre-Conference Workshop at 2023 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

Novotel London West, London, UK, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (BST) October 27, 2023

We are undergoing a period of radical change, driven by multiple factors such as the lasting effects of the pandemic, economic downturns, political instability, and ongoing technological advancements, including the widespread adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). In times of turmoil, it's imperative for information experts to skillfully navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and connect their research with actionable steps to drive positive change.

ASIS&T Special Interest Group Social Informatics (SIG-SI) has held eighteen annual Social Informatics Research Symposiums at ASIS&T Annual Meetings, with the purpose of disseminating and discussing current research and research in progress that investigates the social aspects of information and communication technologies (ICT). The 19th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium will incorporate different types of contributions, including papers, panels, posters, and interactive sessions.

List of Topics

Submissions may include empirical, critical, and theoretical work, as well as richly described practice cases and demonstrations. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Socio-technical aspects of generative AI
  • Implications and socio-political influence of ICTs
  • Social aspects of ICT tool development and testing
  • Sustainability and ICT manufacturing
  • Inclusive technology design, implementation, and use
  • Digital equity and digital divide
  • Social interventions to promote equity and justice in ICT
  • Feminist data science
  • Best practices of social informatics education
  • Disinformation and content moderation
  • Data surveillance
  • Regulation of systems and platforms in society
  • Re-conceptualizing social informatics concepts, methods, frameworks, and theories through a critical lens

Submission Guidelines

We encourage submissions in the form of extended abstracts (1,000–2,000 words, including references) that either propose a panel discussion or present complete (or nearly complete) work in these topic areas. We also encourage the submission of poster proposals (500 words) for works in progress and early research ideas. All submission files should be anonymized for double-blind review.

Submission link:

Submission deadline: 11:59 EDT, July 23, 2023

Notification: August 7, 2023 (ASIS&T early bird registration 8/11/23)

For questions, please contact the symposium co-chairs:

Alicia Julia Wilson Takaoka <>
Shengnan Yang <>
Xiaohua Awa Zhu <>

SIG-USE (Information Needs, Seeking & Use)

SIG USE Social Hour

Title: Information Encounters and Behaviors in New and Different Settings – Lived Experiences and Needs of Immigrant and Refugee Communities
Date/time: July 27, 2023 1-2 PST
Zoom link:
When we find ourselves in a setting that is different from what we are used to, things may be difficult. The information and resources that we are used to having at our fingertips, experiences that may seem fundamental in various facets of everyday life like work, school, and health, may require effort. Having resources and community can make things easier, but challenges may also arise in our attempts to use these resources or leverage community resources. What form might these challenges take? What can we all learn in interacting with others? Please stop by and share your thoughts, questions, and perspective with others who are interested in this topic!

23rd Annual SIG-USE Symposium: "The Evolving Nature of the Human Side of Information Research"
Sat., 7 October 2023: 9am-12pm EST  (Sponsored by SIG-USE)

[Student registration awards available]

This is a virtual event! If you are not able to attend the annual meeting but still want to connect with your colleagues and learn about exciting information behavior research, please consider registering, and optionally, presenting your work to your colleagues! This is a great opportunity for you to receive some feedback on preliminary or works-in-progress.

To participate, you can submit lightning talks or extended abstracts. [Deadline extended to July 31, 2023.]

For more information about attending and submitting, see here:

For information about student registration awards, see:

"Exploring Collaborative Interpretive Practice" Workshop
Sun., 8 October, 2023: 8am-12pm British Summer Time (Co-sponsored by SIG-USE and SIG-AH)

[Paper and poster awards, and registration scholarships for pre-workshop participation available]

This workshop is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in digital humanities, cultural heritage, and information science, including librarians, archivists, curators, and teachers, to share experiences and ideas about collaborative interpretation, engage in activities to stimulate our thinking, and emerge with takeaways we can incorporate into our own research. We may also form new collaborative relationships. Here are different ways to participate:

  • Challenge papers and posters [due Aug. 15, 2023]
  • Pre-workshop interpretive activities (starts Aug. 15, 2023)[Stay tuned for participation URL]

For more information and submission instructions, see:

SIG-VIS (Visualization, Images and Sound)

Call for Participation

"Exploring Collaborative Interpretive Practice"

A workshop co-located with ASIS&T 2023, Saturday, 28 October, 2023, London, UK

Collaboration on the interpretation and analysis of texts, images, artifacts, qualitative data, and other recorded information is fundamental to knowledge production in many disciplines. However, collaborators may have different goals, work routines, research paradigms and methodologies, background knowledge, and more. In this workshop, we aim to engage in collective exploration of how collaborative interpretation happens and brainstorm together on ways to develop knowledge infrastructures to support it. Each of us brings our own perspective to interpretation, which shapes our work in various ways. How do we ensure that everyone has a voice and is able to take an active part in the research?

This workshop is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in digital humanities, cultural heritage, and information science, including librarians, archivists, curators, and teachers, to share experiences and ideas about collaborative interpretation, engage in activities to stimulate our thinking, and emerge with takeaways we can incorporate into our own research. We may also form new collaborative relationships.

See the full call for proposals and submission instructions/deadlines here.