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The last date for submission is June 15, 2023.


The ASIS&T Information and Learning Sciences SIG invites students, emerging, and established scholars to participate in the SIG’s first ever paper competition. The SIG provides these awards to support scholarship and practice, encourage participation, and bring new perspectives and voices to the SIG. Three awards (described below) are available for different types of papers. The SIG aims to gather researchers in both information and learning sciences to reach a deeper understanding of the cognitive and social processes that facilitate inquiry, learning, and knowledge co-construction, in order to advance theories of learning, information-seeking, and learning systems’ design. This SIG builds upon the growing recognition of the ways in which the scholarly disciplines of information science and the learning sciences stand to enrich one another theoretically, methodologically, and, empirically, for instance through design improvements within systems in which human learning is to be expected. 


Q 1:   What publication year is required?

A.      The articles published in recent decades i.e. 2021, 2022 and 2023 will be given


Q 2.   Can an individual submit the published paper in the competition?

A.      Only published papers (in all category except student papers) will be considered 

in the paper competition. Students will submit their unpublished papers.

Q 3.   Can anyone submit unpublished papers? Or if yes, will it be published


A.      Only  students can submit the unpublished papers (in student paper category 

only), but in all other categories the published papers (in any journal) will be 


Q 4.   Can an author submit more than one paper?

A.      Any individual can submit only one paper in any category

Q 5.   We have submitted a paper for an award in another venue. Can we also submit the same for the InfoLearn Paper Competition?

A.      Yes

Q 6.   Can more than one author can submit one paper?

Yes, but the winning amount will be distributed among all authors equally.

Q 7.   How will the article be evaluated?

Each article will be reviewed by the two reviewers and based on the collective numbers of both reviewers, the article ranking will be finalized.

Q 8.   What is the last date for article submission?

A.      The last date for submission is June 15, 2023.

Q 9.   When will the result be announced?

A.      The result will be announced on July 30, 2023.

Q 10. What is the submission link to submit the article?

Submission can be made using this  online link form:

Q 11. How can I find the call of paper competition?

A.      You can get all relevant information from the link