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New From JASIST, January 2023

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JASIST Volume 73, Issue 12, December 2022

Full Issue


Digital divide, critical-, and crisis-informatics perspectives on K-12 emergency remote teaching during the pandemic
Rebecca Reynolds, Julie Aromi, Catherine McGowan, Britt Paris

Time to vote: Temporal clustering of user activity on Stack Overflow
Agnieszka Geras, Grzegorz Siudem, Marek Gagolewski

From nostalgia to knowledge: Considering the personal dimensions of data lifecycles
Gretchen R. Stahlman

Disciplinary contributions to research topics and methodology in Library and Information Science—Leading to fragmentation?
Pertti Vakkari, Yu-Wei Chang, Kalervo Järvelin

The financial maintenance of social science data archives: Four case studies of long-term infrastructure work
Kristin R. Eschenfelder, Kalpana Shankar, Greg Downey

Uses of the Journal Impact Factor in national journal rankings in China and Europe
Emanuel Kulczycki, Ying Huang, Alesia A. Zuccala, Tim C. E. Engels, Antonio Ferrara, Raf Guns, Janne Pölönen, Gunnar Sivertsen, Zehra Taşkın, Lin Zhang

Analysis of noise and bias errors in intelligence information systems
Ashraf Labib, Salem Chakhar, Lorraine Hope, John Shimell, Mark Malinowski

Trust in COVID-19 public health information
Nitin Verma, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Le Zhou, Bo Xie, Min Kyung Lee, Kate Rich, Kristina Shiroma, Chenyan Jia, Tara Zimmerman

Change and growth in open access journal publishing and charging trends 2011–2021
Heather Morrison, Luan Borges, Xuan Zhao, Tanoh Laurent Kakou, Amit Nataraj Shanbhoug