From Your Executive Director, January 2023
Greetings Colleagues,
Although it has been two+ months since the Annual Meeting, it feels like a great deal has happened at ASIS&T since we parted in Pittsburgh. There is not much time to rest on our laurels after one Annual Meeting before we start the serious planning of the next conference. Add to that a couple of new meetings planned for this year, a new publication, a new award, and a raft of other priorities, and you can understand that there is not much down time for your friends at ASIS&T. I am happy to report that we have a new staff member to help carry the load. Kimberly Granados joined us earlier this month as Deputy Executive Director. Kimberly will be taking over many of the day-to-day management responsibilities that I have been handling until now, freeing up my time to focus on more strategic priorities. Welcome Kimberly! Nobody is more excited to have you here than I.
We are currently very focused on putting together the program for the Mid-Year Conference and hope to have that available in the next few days. There will be three blocks of content offered over three days and covering the South Asia/Asia Pacific time zones followed by the Americas timezones and finally the Europe/Africa time zones, There should be at least 8 hours of content in each region over the course of the three days. We will start at 9 am China Standard Time on April 11 (find your time here) and continue for 8 hours. We will break until 9 am Eastern Daylight Time on April 12 (find your time here) then continue for 8 hours. We will conclude on April 13 starting at 8 am British Standard Time (find your time here). Each block of time will include a keynote, panel and paper presentations, and two of the three will include poster presentations. This meeting will be an outstanding alternative to the Annual Meeting if you were not able to make it to Pittsburgh or don't think you'll make it to London for AM23. See elsewhere in this newsletter for information on how to register.
We have received a draft of our FY22 audit which has no negative findings. The Finance Committee will be meeting next week to review the draft and then the Board will meet with the auditors in February to finalize the process. A copy of the audit and our 990 tax form will be available on our website once finalized.
You'll see that elsewhere in this Inside ASIS&T we announce the call for awards for 2023. I'm delighted to announce that we are debuting a new award this year, the ASIS&T Fellowship. This award is intended to recognize members who have made sustained and significant contributions to both the association and the profession of information science. Please consider nominating your deserving colleagues for this important recognition. The first class of ASIS&T Fellows will be recognized at the 2023 Annual Meeting in London.
Speaking of the 2023 Annual Meeting, submissions open for that meeting on February 1st so please be thinking about your submissions. Consider taking advantage of the fact that we are in Europe to engage regional presenters in panels or workshops. We anticipate a substantial turnout for this meeting so get your submission(s) in as early as possible.
As always, your ASIS&T staff is here to answer any questions or address any concerns. Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us if we can be of assistance.
Best regards,