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Dear ASIS&T members,

It is time to elect our SIG-STI officers for 2022-2023. We are seeking candidates for the following position:

Chair-Elect Serves for a term of one year and automatically becomes Chair at the end of that term. The Chair-elect works closely with the Chair in planning and executing ASIS&T-AP programs, and shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence, resignation or removal.

Please submit the name of your nomination and a brief bio (less than 250 words), if you are interested in being a part of creating the future of SIG-STI. By being an officer you can also bring insights, experience, and knowledge to the SIG-STI members. You can nominate yourself or someone by emailing Meijun Liu ( no later than October 20. All nominees must be ASIS&T members.

Looking forward to welcoming you onboard,

The SIG-STI officers